collapsible product description (Dawn)

collapsible product description (Dawn)

129 0 30



I would like to create a collapsible content product description that is open automatically but doesn't open all the way so the text fades and you can click a button to see all the text.


This is what i've been able to do: 


Skärmavbild 2024-07-22 kl. 17.15.14.png

This is how i want it to look like:

Skärmavbild 2024-07-22 kl. 17.04.57.png










My store:


Thanks for help!

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
845 100 120


To achieve that, you need customize code, 

Remove the collapsible default part instead of that you show all product description and then limit height of that part by css, and when user click to button load more, you make it show full.

- You can please Like and Accepted Solution if my suggestion helpful.
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