Commenting out or deleting Shopping bag icon on Avenue theme?


Commenting out or deleting Shopping bag icon on Avenue theme?

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Hi there, I have seen other posts where people have asked this question, but the solutions haven't worked for me. I have identified on mobile the icon is coming from <span class="icon icon-bag">. I have looked in the header.liquid file as well as theme.liquid and other places but I can't figure out how to remove this icon. Please help!





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Hi, @Bobby_Webster  Please add the given code in style.css file after line 1019 and let me know if it's works. Thanks.

@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
 .customer-links #cart-count-mobile .icon.icon-bag{
   display: none !important;


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@Bobby_Webster - most simple way would be to hide it using css , add below css to the very end of your css file



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Hi there,  I see a styles.css and styles.header.css both under the "Assets" folder. I tried placing the code on both of those pages and neither worked?

Shopify Partner
525 80 99

Hi @Bobby_Webster,

Go to Online Store, then Theme, and select Edit Code.
Search for base.css/theme.css/style.css/main.css/custom.css file Add the provided code at the end of the file.

    display: none !important;
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Hi there, I only see a styles.css and styles.header.css both under the "Assets" folder. I tried placing the code on both of those pages and neither worked?

Shopify Partner
525 80 99

Please add the code in styles.css @Bobby_Webster 

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I have added to styles.css at the very bottom and saved. But it still remains on mobile view?

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Please share the website url @Bobby_Webster 

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It is with password sempeb

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a.cart-count-mobile.relative {
    display: none !important;
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@Bobby_Webster  Please add the given code in style.css file after line 1019 and let me know if it's works. Thanks.

@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
  .customer-links #cart-count-mobile .icon.icon-bag{
     display: none !important;
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Ok that finally worked! THANKS

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Still not working for me.

Shopify Partner
525 80 99



li#cart-count-mobile {
    display: none !important;



Coding Fifty || Shopify Partner
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Hi, @Bobby_Webster  Please add the given code in style.css file after line 1019 and let me know if it's works. Thanks.

@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
 .customer-links #cart-count-mobile .icon.icon-bag{
   display: none !important;


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