Compare At price option missing? Discount only appears in cart.

Compare At price option missing? Discount only appears in cart.

3 0 0

New to Shopify and creating my first store. I have a product and I created an automatic 30% discount. The discount, and the sale icon, only shows in the cart and during the checkout phase. But it doesn't show up on the product page. I looked it up and all the guides say I need to add a Compare At Price from the product page, but option this is nowhere to be found. For reference, the product has two variants. I tried exporting the product CSV and the prices appear under Variant Price. I tried adding prices into the Variant Compare At Price columns and reimporting the CSV but it didn't do anything.

How do I get the Compare At Price option to show up and how do I get the discount to show on the product page?




Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
1134 142 175

Hi @bobloblaw,

Please refer to the following instructions.

Note, compare-at price and discount will work separately, so make sure you understand that when setting this up.

Coffee tips fuels my dedication.
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3 0 0

Thanks for clarifying that Discounts and the Compare At Price work separately. I also finally figured out how to access the Compare At Prices... turns out I'm an idiot and I just needed to click into the individual variants.

Shopify Partner
1134 142 175

Hi @bobloblaw,

If you have any questions, you can contact me directly.
Nice to meet you 😊

Coffee tips fuels my dedication.
Shopify Development Service
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