Custom font on Dawn theme give me sanitizer error

Custom font on Dawn theme give me sanitizer error

2 0 1

I'm trying to use custom font on my website I added the woff and woof2 files in my assets and inserted the following code inside the theme.liquid file:




  @font-face {
  font-family: "neutra_textbook";
  src: url('{{ "neutratextbook.woff2" | asset_url }}') format("woff2"),
       url('{{ "neutratextbook.woff" | asset_url }}') format("woff");
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: normal;




but it give me this error:
downloadable font: rejected by sanitizer

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
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Hi @DeLeo , Did you try to download the font from other source, maybe the font files are corrupted.

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I fixed it by loading the same font files inside the shopify "files" section and now it works, still not understanding why it don't works if fonts are loaded insde assets