Custom Font on Flow Theme Displaying on only my computer

Custom Font on Flow Theme Displaying on only my computer

13 0 2

Hi there,

I've installed a custom font by uploading the ttf file into Assets and adding the following code in custom.css. However when I go on any other computer the font doesn't display correctly. How do I correct this? Thank you!



@font-face {

font-family: "Queens-Regular";

src: url('{{ "Queens-Regular.ttf" | asset_url }}') format("truetype"),}

h1, h1 a, h2, h2 a, h3, h3 a, h4, h4 a, h5, h5 a, h6, h6 a, #nav li a, div.title a, .headline, .subtitle { font-family: 'Queens-Regular' !important; }

@font-face {

font-family: "BodyText-FitRegular";

src: url('{{ "BodyText-FitRegular.ttf" | asset_url }}') format("truetype"),}

p #nav li a, div.title a, .headline, .subtitle { font-family: 'BodyText-FitRegular' !important; }

@font-face {

font-family: "BodyText-LargeBold";

src: url('{{ "BodyText-LargeBold.ttf" | asset_url }}') format("truetype"),}


span, #nav li a, div.title a, .headline, .subtitle { font-family: 'BodyText-LargeBold' !important; a {

@font-face {

font-family: "PlayfairDisplay-Italic";

src: url('{{ "PlayfairDisplay-Italic.ttf" | asset_url }}') format("truetype"),}


My computer:

Screen Shot 2022-04-11 at 10.58.38 PM.png


Other computers:



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1. To get to the Assets folder of your theme, navigate to your Shopify dashboard. From here, go to: Online Store > Actions > Edit Code

2.Scroll down till you find the Assets folder and click add a new asset, select your font file and hit upload asset.

3. Go to your theme's main CSS file (usually named styles.scss.liquid, theme.scss.liquid, or another variation of this).

4. Add the code below.


@font-face {
    font-family: "Font name";
    src: url({{ "Filename" | asset_url }}) format("Format");
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