Customizable product : 2 differents product in cart

Shopify Partner
14 0 7


I have a customizable product with a unique SKU.

I need to understand on which different object Shopify will display 2 distinct products in the cart if they are customized differently :

product.option or product.variant ?

Thanks !

Replies 2 (2)

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Here's how the relationship works between product options, variants, and displaying distinct products in the cart:

  1. Product: The product represents the base item you are selling. It may have one or more customizable attributes called product options. For example, if you're selling a t-shirt, the product options could be size, color, and material.

  2. Variants: Each product option can have multiple variants. Variants are specific combinations of the product options. For example, a variant could be a "Large, Red, Cotton" t-shirt. Each variant has its own SKU, price, and inventory.

  3. Cart: When a customer adds a product to the cart, it is the variant that gets added, not the product option. If a customer selects different options for a customizable product, Shopify treats them as separate variants, even if they belong to the same product.

Shopify Partner
14 0 7

Thanks, but I need to understand how this translates into code
For example if I have a personnalise product with print on demand so my product is always the same (same SKU)

The customer can custom 5 part of the product design printed by choosing one of 10 different colors for each part.(same 10 colors for each part )

Like that :
Part1 -ColorChoice : red, green, yellow, blue,…
Part2-ColorChoice: red, green, yellow, blue,…

I need to understand if :
Part1, … have to be a {{ product.option }} and for example the value red a {{ product_option.selected_value }} ?


Part1, … have to be a {{ product.option }} and for example the value red a {{ variant.option1 }} ?

The goal is to have 2 distincts product in cart when customization is different and because the product is the same with just a different print, the same SKU for inventory.