Dawn Theme Collections images or sections resize/ format

Dawn Theme Collections images or sections resize/ format

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ShopCollectionHelp.pngI am trying to first, resize the images/ options under the collections section in order for it all to fit in one mobile screen/page while scrolling.


Furthermore, the section on the right shows instructions for a new format which I would like to install into the website. If possible, I would greatly appreciate any assistance on the matter.




Thank you!

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
845 100 120


With dawn theme, you can got to section Collection List which you are setting and find to option Enable swiper on mobile and turn it on.



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Shopify Partner
845 100 120

Maybe, I miss understand your means yet, your means here is want to make images full-width, right?

It's look like image below



- You can please Like and Accepted Solution if my suggestion helpful.
- And you want to hire developer Theme or App Shopify => Feel free to send me a DM or contact to us via Email | WhatApp