Dawn Theme - Collections pages - Showing additional collection options?

Dawn Theme - Collections pages - Showing additional collection options?

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I'm having a really hard time in having my collection pages show up as clickable options on the website.  For instance, when looking at a collection page, when you scroll down, it shows the generic collection pictures with the title "your collection name".  I have my collection categories done.  I know how to set those up, but for some reason, nothing transferred over to "that" particular section.   My website is sassynanagiftshop if you want to see what I mean.  

I've searched the forum and am unable to find a solution, so I don't know if I am wording it correctly or maybe I'm the only one with this problem.

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You need to assign collection there from customizer

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Trying to figure out how to do this?

Can you help me? Or at least point me in the right direction


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Hi @SassyNana 

If you can share your Collaboration code then I can check and guide you on how to do that and also I will teach you how to do that in the future 

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