[Dawn Theme] How do I make my header menu base categories link to a collection instead of collapsing

[Dawn Theme] How do I make my header menu base categories link to a collection instead of collapsing

28 0 5

Sorry for the convoluted way of asking this question but It's kinda tricky what I'm asking for.  I'll provide a picture and then try and explain further:


Shopify Menu.jpg


So, right now when I mouse hover over my header menu the menu opens with sub menus.  In all of my menu's that have submenus I had to include an "All Items" sub category for users to be able to click and see the entire collection.  What I want, is for the user to just be able to click the base header menu...for example in my picutre, to be able to click the "PC Accessories" base menu and have it go to a collection that provides all the products, instead of having to include an "All Items" sub menu for every menu that has sub menu's.  Currently if you click on a base menu, such as "PC Accessories" it just collapses the menu.  I want the collapsing of the menu to just happen when you mouse away from the menu, and for you to be able to click the base menu to go to a collection page.  Hope that clears it up.  Thanks for the help in advance!

Reply 1 (1)

331 22 51

hello @namestolen 

This will be done through coding, for this you will have to hire a developer


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