Shopify themes, liquid, logos, and UX
Hi, I have just switched to the dawn theme, however the images on the product pages are absolutely huge. Is there any way to resize them? Thanks
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How to make your product images smaller in Shopify 2.0 Dawn theme
Firstly you can identify the problem:
The product image is too large
In this example you want to look for product__media in section-main-product.css
Then you simply want to change the .product:not(.product — no-media) .product__media-wrapper {
max-width: 64%;
width: calc(64% — 1rem / 2);
Change the percentage to whatever you want and you’re done
Sorry you are facing this issue, it would be my pleasure to help you.
Welcome to the Shopify community!😊
Thanks for your good question.
Please share your site URL,
I will check out the issue and provide you a solution here.
Everyone is having this issue and it's driving me nuts finding a solution.
This is literally the only issue with this theme and I hate it with a passion.
The mobile version doesn't have huge images but it has a swipe option most customers don't realize they have to swipe to see more images.
I LOVE EVERYTHING ELSE about this theme but my conversion had dropped dramatically
since switching to this theme and the only thing that really changed was the gallery of the product's
and the toggle for the main menu on mobile version (which was my main reason for switching to this theme,
easier to navigate via mobile)
The images are HUGE as shown above. I want the gallery configuration that's in the "simple" Theme :
PLEASE tell me how to change the product media gallery to the simple theme's.
The current configuration is terrible and there's so many unsolved threads in the forums about it.
I found this option to have it changed into a slider, but im not sure how it works or how to insert the codes, anyone can help ?
definitely prefer this over the huge images
It's hard to pin point one code because of the theme's liquid. I read through the entire theme's codes and it all boiled to it being something just built into the theme where you'd basically have to reconstruct. It's not an edit friendly template by any means. I kept reading "lazy load" in the product theme codes (the ones I could find) and it made me so frustrated everytime I seen that wording lbvs
This is an accepted solution.
I don't know why people always ask for your link first
It's easy my friend
How to make your product images smaller in Shopify 2.0 Dawn theme
Firstly you can identify the problem:
The product image is too large
In this example you want to look for product__media in section-main-product.css
Then you simply want to change the .product:not(.product — no-media) .product__media-wrapper {
max-width: 64%;
width: calc(64% — 1rem / 2);
Change the percentage to whatever you want and you’re done
This is exactly what I was looking for!!!! Thank you, giving it a shot in a little bit and I'll give updates💜
I'm happy to have helped
I would very much appreciate if you gave my answer as a solution as I'm new and trying to build a reputation
Thanks and have a great day
Income stream surfers
I just tried this and it didn't work for me. Do you change both of the 64s?
This worked! Thank you so much!
You're welcome
If you need any more help I'm creating a video series so just leave another question and I'll solve it for you
Hi Hamish,
Thank you so much for posting the resolution to this. We found changing the section below (shown on your screen print) changed the width of the description text, so we changed all of the 4 percentages to 50% and the whole page looks so much better 🙂
Can you help with the product zoom? When you click on an image, it takes up the whole page. Is there anyway of reducing this?
Many thanks
I'm sure there is!
If you submit a post here on the forum I will take a look at it when I finish work
Im trying to have the text in the description fill the full width of the page rather than a column on the right hand size. Is this something you can assist with?
Im trying to have the text in the description fill the full width of the page rather than a column on the right hand size.
Is this something you can assist with?
This is what i need to!!
Somebody got a solution?
"Thank you so much for posting the resolution to this. We found changing the section below (shown on your screen print) changed the width of the description text, so we changed all of the 4 percentages to 50% and the whole page looks so much better"
Have you tried this?
Yes that worked to resize the images, however my question is in regard to the product description
The solution worked. Thanks @HamishDavisonIC @SH_23 !!
@media screen and (min-width: 990px) {
.product:not(.product--no-media):not(.featured-product) .product__media-wrapper {
max-width: 44%;
width: calc(44% - 1rem / 2);
.product:not(.product--no-media):not(.featured-product) .product__info-wrapper {
padding-left: 8rem;
max-width: 50%;
width: calc(50% - 1rem / 2);
Also, I changed the next part to 50% 50% to widen the product description. Increased the padding on the left to 8 rem to increase the gap between the Images and Text.
Hey I believe this would be front-end, so you just delete the columns and instead put a carousel. If this isn't correct I'll look into it when I get home
I don't think DAWN gives that option of changing it to a carousel format.
In fact, not much can be changed in the product description itself on the front end.
Please have a look and opine
I didn't see the option to make the product images a carousel on the front end. If it's possible to make the desktop version have an image slider like it does on mobile that would be great.
The only thing I have seen online is this guide but they don't explain where to place the code:
Reducing the image sizes helps but an image carousel looks much cleaner than scrolling down the page
@j1419 I also found this guide - here is his github with where to place the code, you have to make your own asset called product-gallery.js
But it doesn't work properly, and to be honest it has a perfect grid layout on mobile anyway so don't worry too much about desktop (if you follow his guide with his github i think it stops the gallery working on mobile anyway)
@HamishDavisonIC Is there a way to make the product images on desktop a carousel/slideshow? This grid layout is large and requires you to continue scrolling to see all the images.
Current Desktop Grid View
A slideshow for the images looks better. Example below
OUHHH! Merci! Thank you so much! I was editing my images one by one. My god...
Hi @made4Uo ,
Thank you for the great help!.
I was able to change the image to one large image with smaller images of variants below it.
However, it doesn;t show the carousel /arrows and i am unable to scroll to the 5th image onwards.
The carousel arrows get disables if your variants is less than 5. Make sure you did not hide_variants as well. It might hide your images
How about changing the size of the product images on the main collection page?
Sorry you are facing this issue, it would be my pleasure to help you.
Welcome to the Shopify community!😊
Thanks for your good question.
Please share your site URL,
Does this change the image sizing for all product photos then?
I'm having the issue where the photo gets cropped in the viewing box until you roll over it... then you can see the full image. I'm having this issue in the "Products" photos and the "Categories" photos.
Check this video for tutorial on how to adjust the images in the product page, including the product description. Since you are resizing the images, product description need to be adjusted as well.
Hi @made4Uo , how can we hide the thumbnail selector if there's only one image for the product? At the moment it displays a thumbnail of the active image even if there's only one which doesn't look great. Thanks in advance - great tutorial!
@stujmiller you can add an if statement to the slide-image. Find the active-thumb code in the main-product.liquid (there's two, do the code to both), then add {% if > 1 %} active-thumb {% endif %}
Code should look like below
<img class="slide-image {% if forloop.first %} {% if > 1 %} active-thumb {% endif %} {% endif %}"
Let me know
It worked! Thank you for this - you put the information forth so clearly and made it easy to understand!!
My product images are all a good size, except when I click to enlarge the photo - it becomes very big - is there a way to control the zoomed in size?
Many thanks,
Hi @Natalie_Z Dawn is having this src-set which images are being called depending on the screen size. If you want to adjust it. You have to adjust the src-set
Well done!
Thanks income stream surfers!
Okay since I'm not a computer wiz, can a person just go to the section-main and change the size and that will take care of the entire store, or does a person have to go to the inspect on each product page and do something first? What about an image on the front page of the store, if they want it smaller? Will going to the section-main and then change the size in there take care of all pictures? Just trying to figure this out as the pics are to big and slowing my store down. Thanks in advance for helping me because I'm not quite understanding everything on the video. It went to the inspect on the page and then it went to the section-main, so I'm not sure if a person needs to do both to make it work.
@HamishDavisonIC Do you know how to also change the size of the thumbnail images? I would like four thumbnail images to fit underneath the main image.
1. Go to Online Store->Theme->Edit code
2. Asset->/theme.css ->paste below code at the bottom of the file.
How can I do to see all the images in the mobile phone? I want that all of them appears under the main photo. Do you know how to do it? thanks!
Thanks it works fine, but is there any way to expand the size of the product info?
It looks bad after resizing
can you please select medium size i hope this fine
Having the same issue with no good answer as yet .
1. Resizing the image and adding a carousel display like . Similar to debut theme
2. Splitting the description text to occupy the full width.
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