Dawn theme view in your space button not appearing despite having a 3d model

Dawn theme view in your space button not appearing despite having a 3d model

7 0 5

I'm just setting up Dawn ready to move across from a different theme. The view in your space button isn't appearing below the product images on mobile despite having 3d models included on products. 


The view in your space button appears on the demo Dawn site but doesn't seem to be included on the theme version that is actually downloaded.

I've found a temporary fix for this by adding the following code to the 'product-media-gallery.liquid' snippet just above line 150 {%- if first_3d_model -%} :

{%- assign first_3d_model = product.media | where: 'media_type', 'model' | first -%}

The view in your space button now appears.

Is it possible that the demo Dawn store has different coding to the latest theme version that I downloaded and an equivalent line of code is missing?



Before code change:


Screenshot 1.jpg



After adding extra line of code:

Screenshot 2.jpg


Replies 6 (6)

4 0 5

Thanks for this. It's working for me after adding the code. But it's working only on safari not on chrome. Any suggestions?

3 0 2

did you find a solution to this? 

4 0 5

I am not sure about this but as per my research, I found that the "View in your space" functionality only works on iPhone+Safari, not on iPhone+chrome or any other browser

2 0 0

Hello, did you resolve the issue with chrome? 

4 0 5

I am not sure about this but as per my research, I found that the "View in your space" functionality only works on iPhone+Safari, not on iPhone+chrome or any other browser.

It is written in their document that "you can use the Shopify-XR library to support AR Quick Look in iOS’s Safari, and Android’s Scene Viewer."

2 0 0

Thank you for your kind response!