Re: Dawn Theme: White Box Missing Behind Text on Mobile Home Page


Dawn Theme: White Box Missing Behind Text on Mobile Home Page

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I see that @KetanKumar has been helpful in the past, so hoping he or someone familiar with the Dawn theme is close at-hand. His solution from 2021 got my text moved onto the home page image in mobile as it does in desktop ( BUT the white text box has disappeared ... which renders the text unreadable.

I assume the fix is a .css mod to /section-image-banner.css but I'm no coding pro. Can anyone suggest a snippet to add to that would bring back the white box on mobile?

Below are screenshots of the desktop and mobile versions of Access password in 'lawngo' if anyone wants to see the prod version.

This is literally the last defect on my punch list before go-live, so any help is MUCH APPRECIATED! 

This is correct on desktop:


And this is incorrect on mobile:


Accepted Solution (1)

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2139 616 520

This is an accepted solution.

Hey @BellaRoad


You have alot of text and adding the white background back covers almost 90% of the video.






I could do 2 things for you


1. Add a little transparency to the background



2. Change the text to white and add a little shadow to make it pop out more





I'll give you both the codes as Option 1 and 2, you can pick which one you want


Go to your theme's "Edit Code" Option, then in the search bar type "theme.liquid"
Below the tag "<head>" tag paste the following. Screenshot attached for reference.


Option 1 - Transparent white background

@media only screen and (max-width: 989px) {
    .banner:not(.banner--mobile-bottom) .field__input, .banner--mobile-bottom:not(.banner--stacked) .banner__box.color-scheme-1 {
        background: rgba(255,255,255,0.7) !important;


Option 2 - White text with shadow

@media only screen and (max-width: 989px) {
    .banner:not(.banner--mobile-bottom) .field__input, .banner--mobile-bottom:not(.banner--stacked) .banner__box.color-scheme-1 {
        color: white !important;
        filter: drop-shadow(2px 2px 3px black) !important;
    .banner--mobile-bottom:not(.banner--stacked) .banner__box.color-scheme-1 h2 {
        color: white !important;



Screenshot is for reference only, the correct code to paste is the one shown above.



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View solution in original post

Replies 19 (19)

Shopify Partner
2139 616 520

This is an accepted solution.

Hey @BellaRoad


You have alot of text and adding the white background back covers almost 90% of the video.






I could do 2 things for you


1. Add a little transparency to the background



2. Change the text to white and add a little shadow to make it pop out more





I'll give you both the codes as Option 1 and 2, you can pick which one you want


Go to your theme's "Edit Code" Option, then in the search bar type "theme.liquid"
Below the tag "<head>" tag paste the following. Screenshot attached for reference.


Option 1 - Transparent white background

@media only screen and (max-width: 989px) {
    .banner:not(.banner--mobile-bottom) .field__input, .banner--mobile-bottom:not(.banner--stacked) .banner__box.color-scheme-1 {
        background: rgba(255,255,255,0.7) !important;


Option 2 - White text with shadow

@media only screen and (max-width: 989px) {
    .banner:not(.banner--mobile-bottom) .field__input, .banner--mobile-bottom:not(.banner--stacked) .banner__box.color-scheme-1 {
        color: white !important;
        filter: drop-shadow(2px 2px 3px black) !important;
    .banner--mobile-bottom:not(.banner--stacked) .banner__box.color-scheme-1 h2 {
        color: white !important;



Screenshot is for reference only, the correct code to paste is the one shown above.



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The white text with the drop shadow looks awesome. Thanks so much!

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2139 616 520

No worries, have a successful launch!

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Hi TPW! I'm in the process of changing my brand and wanted to migrate the modification you outlined above to my desktop version of the site as well. Can I assume the same code works, but it needs to be dropped into a different .liquid file? Could you point me to the correct one? Thanks!

Shopify Partner
2139 616 520

It's the same code, it's restricted to mobile, you just need to remove the restriction


Just delete the circled parts. The opening media tag and the closing curly brace.



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Thanks for the quick response!

That seems to have affected the text treatment but not removed the white container. Something else I need to mod?


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New domain is and the lock PW remains 'lawngo'.

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2139 616 520

You can use this code @BellaRoad,

    .banner:not(.banner--mobile-bottom) .field__input, .banner--mobile-bottom:not(.banner--stacked) .banner__box.color-scheme-1 {
        color: white !important;
        filter: drop-shadow(2px 2px 3px black) !important;
        background:transparent !important;
    .banner--mobile-bottom:not(.banner--stacked) .banner__box.color-scheme-1 h2 {
        color: white !important;



The only difference is:



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Hey TPW: one more (probably) dumb question. I'm migrating to Dawn v14 and went to replicate these changes, but now it's stacking the banner and banner text in mobile as shown in the attached screenshot. Text treatment is fine, and I checked all the obvious places in Admin but maybe something 2% different in the new theme version? Thoughts?


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2139 616 520

Hey @BellaRoad,


Have you published this theme? Or can you share the preview link for the draft theme for me to check?

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I think this preview link should work for you:



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2139 616 520

I still see the live site, you should see the preview link share button at the bottom of the window. 






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Yeah I see some changes in the new update. 


You have to add this additional code. Leave the code above as it is, don't remove anything.


Go to your theme's "Edit Code" Option, then in the search bar type "theme.liquid"
Below the tag "<head>" tag paste the following. Screenshot attached for reference.

@media only screen and (max-width: 989px) { {
        position: absolute !important;


Screenshot is for reference only, the correct code to paste is the one shown above.



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Perfect, thanks! Is there a mod to the 'position' value that would set the text to the bottom of the image?



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2139 616 520

Yeah sure, 


just add "bottom: 0 !important;" to the same code like this

@media only screen and (max-width: 989px) { {
        position: absolute !important;
        bottom: 0 !important;


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Perfect, thanks! A latte is in your queue...

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Hi TPW. It's time for my seemingly quarterly re-asked question about my mobile banner 🤣 Just swapped the image out, and I seem to have lost the overlay again. Went back a validated all your previous changes in my live code but alas the screenshot tells the truth. Any insights on code tweaks to fix?

