Debut theme design background colors and font colors

Debut theme design background colors and font colors

Shopify Partner
186 0 55


I have this shop

password normil

I have the background set to white, and font color black for body and headings.

Now, I wanted to have the header with black background and white font, I managed to add a code to this and it works, which a code I found.

-1 I changed the background color of rich text section to black, but, since the the font is also black, I am on not able to read the text, how can I change the text font color to white only to this section to white please?


2- because I made this background back, not I have a white line between the image with text overlay and rich text section, how can I get rid of this line?


3- I Also want to change the background color of featured product section to black and font to white, how can I do this please?


The rest of colors of website I would like as it is.

Thanks for your time.



Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
12321 2552 3729


  1. Go to your store. Click on Actions > Edit Code 2. Go to Assets > theme.css add below lines at the bottom of the file.  

#shopify-section-16360354123677afd6 p {color: #fff !important;}
#shopify-section-collection {background: #000  !important; color: #fff !important;}
#shopify-section-collection .grid-view-item__title {
    margin-bottom: 0;
    color: #fff  !important;
    text-align: center  !important;
    display: block !important;

#shopify-section-collection .price {
    display: block  !important;
    text-align: center  !important;
    margin: 0 auto  !important;

#shopify-section-collection .grid-view-item__link {
    display: block !important;
    color: #fff !important;


Shopify Partner
186 0 55

Thank you, how do I remove the white line between the image with overlay (banner) and rich text?

Shopify Partner
12321 2552 3729


Please share screenshot what do you want !
