Re: Delete empty space above "collapsible content"

Delete empty space above "collapsible content"

4 0 1



So I want to just have a collapsible row, with no space above or below it.

So I do not want a 'header' or a 'caption'.


I have the 'heading' and 'caption' clear on my editor, but I still get a small bit of blank space above my row, as seen in the screen shot.

close this gap shopify.png

Also this is only a problem on the MOBILE view, not on desktop.


Can any one help me solve this? 

Here is the link to the live page 

ALSO I realize that for some reason on desktop it doesnt have the space, only on mobile.

But its really important to me that I can get rid of this space on mobile.


thank you!

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Hello @evanfitz80 
Providing url will be helpful to debug this.

If helpful then please Like and Accept Solution .
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