Disable a Word in the Searchbar from Results


Disable a Word in the Searchbar from Results

81 2 11

Hi 🙂

i would like to have no search results when typing in: "Cheetos" . The products which are shown are not including any keywords or something else with "cheetos". How can i fix it that nor result is shwowing if somebody is typing this word in?

Would be very happy if someone could help me.

Many thanks!

Website: www.linis-candy.de

Bildschirmfoto 2023-11-28 um 10.40.04.png

Accepted Solution (1)
Shopify Partner
9534 1918 1954

This is an accepted solution.

Please update the code, previous my code remove that section for "Cheetos", not for "cheetos"

  .template-search:has(.search__input[value="cheetos"]) #ProductGridContainer,
  .template-search:has(.search__input[value="Cheetos"]) #ProductGridContainer {
     display: none !important;


- Helpful? Like and Accept solution! or Buy me coffee
- Ryviu - Reviews & QA app: Collect product reviews, import reviews from AliExpress, Amazon, Etsy, Walmart, Shopee, Dhgate and CSV.
- Lookfy Gallery: Lookbook Image: Easy and fast to create Photo Gallery, Lookbook, Shop The Look.
- Ryviu: Aliexpress Reviews - AliExpress Reviews Importer, one-click import aliexpress reviews, export reviews to CSV file.
- Reelfy‑Shoppable Videos+Reels: Create shoppable videos to engage customers and drive more sales.
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View solution in original post

Replies 9 (9)

Shopify Partner
9534 1918 1954

Hi @LinisCandy 

Go to your Online store > Themes > Edit code, open theme.liquid file, add this code after <head> tag

  .template-search:has(.search__input[value="Cheetos"]) #ProductGridContainer {
     display: none !important;

- Helpful? Like and Accept solution! or Buy me coffee
- Ryviu - Reviews & QA app: Collect product reviews, import reviews from AliExpress, Amazon, Etsy, Walmart, Shopee, Dhgate and CSV.
- Lookfy Gallery: Lookbook Image: Easy and fast to create Photo Gallery, Lookbook, Shop The Look.
- Ryviu: Aliexpress Reviews - AliExpress Reviews Importer, one-click import aliexpress reviews, export reviews to CSV file.
- Reelfy‑Shoppable Videos+Reels: Create shoppable videos to engage customers and drive more sales.
- Enjoy 1 month of Shopify for $1. Sign up now.

81 2 11

Hi 🙂

thanks! I made it, but nothing changed. Still the same problem.

Shopify Partner
9534 1918 1954

This is an accepted solution.

Please update the code, previous my code remove that section for "Cheetos", not for "cheetos"

  .template-search:has(.search__input[value="cheetos"]) #ProductGridContainer,
  .template-search:has(.search__input[value="Cheetos"]) #ProductGridContainer {
     display: none !important;


- Helpful? Like and Accept solution! or Buy me coffee
- Ryviu - Reviews & QA app: Collect product reviews, import reviews from AliExpress, Amazon, Etsy, Walmart, Shopee, Dhgate and CSV.
- Lookfy Gallery: Lookbook Image: Easy and fast to create Photo Gallery, Lookbook, Shop The Look.
- Ryviu: Aliexpress Reviews - AliExpress Reviews Importer, one-click import aliexpress reviews, export reviews to CSV file.
- Reelfy‑Shoppable Videos+Reels: Create shoppable videos to engage customers and drive more sales.
- Enjoy 1 month of Shopify for $1. Sign up now.

81 2 11

Wow! It worked! Many thanks!

Shopify Partner
9534 1918 1954

You are very welcome



Best Regards,

Dan from Ryviu : Product Reviews & QA app. 

- Helpful? Like and Accept solution! or Buy me coffee
- Ryviu - Reviews & QA app: Collect product reviews, import reviews from AliExpress, Amazon, Etsy, Walmart, Shopee, Dhgate and CSV.
- Lookfy Gallery: Lookbook Image: Easy and fast to create Photo Gallery, Lookbook, Shop The Look.
- Ryviu: Aliexpress Reviews - AliExpress Reviews Importer, one-click import aliexpress reviews, export reviews to CSV file.
- Reelfy‑Shoppable Videos+Reels: Create shoppable videos to engage customers and drive more sales.
- Enjoy 1 month of Shopify for $1. Sign up now.

1 0 1

Hi Dan-From-Ryviu. May I ask if this code will work for blocking certain vendor's names showing up in the search bar results? Hiding the vendor block on a product page template does not prevent the words/names from showing up in the search results.  Would like to know which code would work best. 

Shopify Partner
9534 1918 1954

My code won't block vendor's names from appearing in the search bar results.

- Helpful? Like and Accept solution! or Buy me coffee
- Ryviu - Reviews & QA app: Collect product reviews, import reviews from AliExpress, Amazon, Etsy, Walmart, Shopee, Dhgate and CSV.
- Lookfy Gallery: Lookbook Image: Easy and fast to create Photo Gallery, Lookbook, Shop The Look.
- Ryviu: Aliexpress Reviews - AliExpress Reviews Importer, one-click import aliexpress reviews, export reviews to CSV file.
- Reelfy‑Shoppable Videos+Reels: Create shoppable videos to engage customers and drive more sales.
- Enjoy 1 month of Shopify for $1. Sign up now.

Shopify Partner
308 34 43

Hi @LinisCandy 

The important thing to find here is "Why are these products being displayed when I search for Cheetos?". The might be some correlation with these products and cheetos. Generally, when we search for any keywords that are not available on store, the information displayed will be

"No results found for “cheetos”. Check the spelling or use a different word or phrase."


You may be able to hide the section on the specific keywords, but, say in future, if you add products with those keywords, the section will remain hidden. So, i would suggest to look for why the result page is showing other products.


I tested on our own Shopify store and we are getting the desired result. i.e. 

"No results found for “some keyword”. Check the spelling or use a different word or phrase." 


If you want, you can send your main-search.liquid file, & I can compare with our main-search.liquid and send you the findings.




81 2 11

Hi 🙂

that would be great! We are not using this Keyword. Its nowhere. Here is the code;

{{ 'template-collection.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'component-card.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'component-price.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'component-search.css' | asset_url }}" media="print" onload="this.media='all'">

<noscript>{{ 'component-search.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}</noscript>

{%- if section.settings.enable_filtering or section.settings.enable_sorting -%}
{{ 'component-facets.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
<script src="{{ 'facets.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
{%- endif -%}

.template-search__header {
margin-bottom: 3rem;

.template-search__search {
margin: 0 auto 3.5rem;
max-width: 47.8rem;

.template-search__search .search {
margin-top: 3rem;

.template-search--empty {
padding-bottom: 18rem;

@media screen and (min-width: 750px) {
.template-search__header {
margin-bottom: 5rem;

.search__button .icon {
height: 1.8rem;

{%- liquid
assign sort_by = search.sort_by | default: search.default_sort_by
assign terms = search.terms | escape
assign search_url = '?q=' | append: terms | append: '&options%5Bprefix%5D=last&sort_by=' | append: sort_by

{%- style -%}
.section-{{ section.id }}-padding {
padding-top: {{ section.settings.padding_top | times: 0.75 | round: 0 }}px;
padding-bottom: {{ section.settings.padding_bottom | times: 0.75 | round: 0 }}px;

@media screen and (min-width: 750px) {
.section-{{ section.id }}-padding {
padding-top: {{ section.settings.padding_top }}px;
padding-bottom: {{ section.settings.padding_bottom }}px;
{%- endstyle -%}

<div class="template-search{% unless search.performed and search.results_count > 0 %} template-search--empty{% endunless %} section-{{ section.id }}-padding">
<div class="template-search__header page-width center">
{%- if search.performed -%}
<h1 class="h2">{{ 'templates.search.title' | t }}</h1>
{%- else -%}
<h1 class="h2">{{ 'general.search.search' | t }}</h1>
{%- endif -%}
<div class="template-search__search">
{%- if settings.predictive_search_enabled -%}
<predictive-search data-loading-text="{{ 'accessibility.loading' | t }}">
{%- endif -%}
<form action="{{ routes.search_url }}" method="get" role="search" class="search">
<div class="field">
class="search__input field__input"
value="{{ search.terms | escape }}"
placeholder="{{ 'general.search.search' | t }}"
{%- if settings.predictive_search_enabled -%}
{%- endif -%}
<label class="field__label" for="Search-In-Template">{{ 'general.search.search' | t }}</label>
<input name="options[prefix]" type="hidden" value="last">

{%- if settings.predictive_search_enabled -%}
<div class="predictive-search predictive-search--search-template" tabindex="-1" data-predictive-search>
<div class="predictive-search__loading-state">
<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="spinner" viewBox="0 0 66 66" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<circle class="path" fill="none" stroke-width="6" cx="33" cy="33" r="30"></circle>

<span class="predictive-search-status visually-hidden" role="status" aria-hidden="true"></span>
{%- endif -%}

<button type="submit" class="search__button field__button" aria-label="{{ 'general.search.search' | t }}">
<svg class="icon icon-search">
<use xlink:href="#icon-search">
{%- if settings.predictive_search_enabled -%}
{%- endif -%}

{%- if search.performed -%}
{%- unless section.settings.enable_filtering or section.settings.enable_sorting -%}
{%- if search.results_count > 0 -%}
<p role="status">{{ 'templates.search.results_with_count_and_term' | t: terms: search.terms, count: search.results_count }}</p>
{%- endif -%}
{%- endunless -%}
{%- if search.results_count == 0 and search.filters == empty -%}
<p role="status">{{ 'templates.search.no_results' | t: terms: search.terms }}</p>
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if search.performed -%}
{%- if section.settings.enable_sorting and section.settings.filter_type == 'vertical' and search.filters != empty -%}
<facet-filters-form class="facets facets-vertical-sort page-width small-hide no-js-hidden">
<form class="facets-vertical-form" id="FacetSortForm">
<div class="facet-filters sorting caption">
<div class="facet-filters__field">
<h2 class="facet-filters__label caption-large text-body">
<label for="SortBy">{{ 'products.facets.sort_by_label' | t }}</label>
<div class="select">
{%- assign sort_by = search.sort_by | default: search.default_sort_by -%}
<select name="sort_by" class="facet-filters__sort select__select caption-large" id="SortBy" aria-describedby="a11y-refresh-page-message">
{%- for option in search.sort_options -%}
<option value="{{ option.value | escape }}"{% if option.value == sort_by %} selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ option.name | escape }}</option>
{%- endfor -%}
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<button type="submit" class="facets__button-no-js button button--secondary">{{ 'products.facets.sort_button' | t }}</button>

<div class="product-count-vertical light" role="status">
<h2 class="product-count__text text-body">
<span id="ProductCountDesktop">
{%- if search.results_count -%}
{{ 'templates.search.results_with_count' | t: terms: search.terms, count: search.results_count }}
{%- elsif search.products_count == search.all_products_count -%}
{{ 'products.facets.product_count_simple' | t: count: search.products_count }}
{%- else -%}
{{ 'products.facets.product_count' | t: product_count: search.products_count, count: search.all_products_count }}
{%- endif -%}
<div class="loading-overlay__spinner">
<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="spinner" viewBox="0 0 66 66" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<circle class="path" fill="none" stroke-width="6" cx="33" cy="33" r="30"></circle>
{%- endif -%}
<div{% if section.settings.filter_type == 'vertical' %} class="facets-vertical page-width"{% endif %}>
{%- if search.filters != empty -%}
{%- if section.settings.enable_filtering or section.settings.enable_sorting -%}
<aside aria-labelledby="verticalTitle" class="facets-wrapper{% unless section.settings.enable_filtering %} facets-wrapper--no-filters{% endunless %}{% if section.settings.filter_type != 'vertical' %} page-width{% endif %}" id="main-search-filters" data-id="{{ section.id }}">
{% render 'facets', results: search, enable_filtering: section.settings.enable_filtering, enable_sorting: section.settings.enable_sorting, filter_type: section.settings.filter_type %}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
<div class="product-grid-container" id="ProductGridContainer">
{%- if search.results.size == 0 and search.filters != empty -%}
<div class="template-search__results collection collection--empty{% if section.settings.filter_type != 'vertical' %} page-width{% endif %}" id="product-grid" data-id="{{ section.id }}">
<div class="loading-overlay gradient"></div>
<div class="title-wrapper center">
<h2 class="title title--primary">
{{ 'sections.collection_template.empty' | t }}<br>
{{ 'sections.collection_template.use_fewer_filters_html' | t: link: search_url, class: "underlined-link link" }}
{%- else -%}
{% paginate search.results by 24 %}
<div class="template-search__results collection{% if section.settings.filter_type != 'vertical' %} page-width{% endif %}" id="product-grid" data-id="{{ section.id }}">
<div class="loading-overlay gradient"></div>
<ul class="grid product-grid grid--{{ section.settings.columns_mobile }}-col-tablet-down grid--{{ section.settings.columns_desktop }}-col-desktop" role="list">
{%- for item in search.results -%}
{% assign lazy_load = false %}
{%- if forloop.index > 2 -%}
{%- assign lazy_load = true -%}
{%- endif -%}

<li class="grid__item">
{%- case item.object_type -%}
{%- when 'product' -%}
{%- capture product_settings -%}{%- if section.settings.product_show_vendor -%}vendor,{%- endif -%}title,price{%- endcapture -%}
{% render 'card-product',
card_product: item,
media_aspect_ratio: section.settings.image_ratio,
show_secondary_image: section.settings.show_secondary_image,
show_vendor: section.settings.show_vendor,
show_rating: section.settings.show_rating,
lazy_load: lazy_load
{%- when 'article' -%}
{% render 'article-card',
article: item,
show_image: true,
show_date: section.settings.article_show_date,
show_author: section.settings.article_show_author,
show_badge: true,
media_aspect_ratio: 1,
lazy_load: lazy_load
{%- when 'page' -%}
<div class="article-card-wrapper card-wrapper underline-links-hover">
<div class="card card--card card--text ratio color-{{ settings.blog_card_color_scheme }}" style="--ratio-percent: 100%;">
<div class="card__content">
<div class="card__information">
<h3 class="card__heading">
<a href="{{ item.url }}" class="full-unstyled-link">
{{ item.title | truncate: 50 | escape }}
<div class="card__badge {{ settings.badge_position }}">
<span class="badge color-background-1">{{ 'templates.search.page' | t }}</span>
{%- endcase -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- if paginate.pages > 1 -%}
{% render 'pagination', paginate: paginate %}
{%- endif -%}
{% endpaginate %}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}

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