Re: Display cheapest variant on product page and collection

Display cheapest variant on product page and collection

31 0 1


I am quite new and wanted to get some help on a basic issue. I would like to have shown when clicking on a product the cheapest variant among the whole. I sell shoes, so re-ordering variant based on price is not ideal since it would be so messy as each variant (size) may have different prices.

Also, I would like to apply this even on the collection page, where all the shoes are shown with their prices (showing the cheapest).


Thanks so much!


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Replies 7 (7)

Shopify Partner
444 44 45

Hi @FlipShop 

This could be done using custom code.

First have to get the all variants price and have select cheapest variant forcefully with the code, it will take 6-8 Hours.

You can manually move the cheapest variant to first position in admin for all the products which is time consuming.


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Hello, thanks for your kind reply.

I didn't quite understand what I should do 


Shopify Partner
444 44 45

Hi @FlipShop 

This will be done using custom code,

So have to hire a shopify Developer for this.

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31 0 1

I know that. I thought someone could help me with the code needed here.

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@FlipShop , Hope you are doing well.


Which theme you are using? 

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31 0 1

Sorry for late reply. I am using Dawn Theme


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Having the same problem, did you find a solution to it?