Display price ranges for products with variants of different prices - Debutify theme

Display price ranges for products with variants of different prices - Debutify theme

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Hello, I am using debutify theme on my store, plantykenya.com  . I want to be able to display price ranges for products with variants that have different prices from the cheapest to most expensive (lowestprice - highestprice) . I need help with the code to implement that, Please come through with any help or feedback, thank you.

Replies 3 (3)

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Hi @dev-myk 

Because your theme is not a free theme. So I don't know theme's structure to suggest the position to add code. So I suggest add code below to the position that you would like to show


{%  if product.price_min !=  product.price_max %}
<div class="price-range">
{% if settings.currency_code_enabled  %}
  {{ product.price_min | money_with_currency }} - {{ product.price_max | money_with_currency }} 
{%  else %} 
{{ product.price_min | money }} - {{ product.price_max | money }} 
  {%  endif %}
{%  endif %}



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Hi; I have the same question, I am using a free theme: Minimal. 

This is the page I would like the prices to be displayed for different options/variants





 Could you tell me where to add the code?  Thank you so much!

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this code worked as a charm in my shop, but it still displays the lowest price above the price range. 
I have products both with and without variants so I need the variant-products to show only the price range and the non variant products to just show price as usual. Do you have any solution for this? Been trying all morning here with no results 😅