Shopify themes, liquid, logos, and UX
I applied the suggested code on below link to display the variant inventory quantity on my product page. And that worked great!
Now I want to adjust the code to take it to the next level. I want to add the inventory quantity by location (We have multiple locations). To show like availability on location A is X and location B is Y.
Any chance someone worked on it before?
Hi @ledprofiles,
Unfortunately, this is not possible just by adding code to your product template. Liquid doesn't have access to location inventory levels (just the total), so unless that changes, there' no way to do that yet. You can look into apps that offer this functionality.
thanks for your quick reply. Unfortunately I even could not find a free or paid app that shows the variant quantities per location. Any suggestion?
I found the following at the app store:
Can't vouch for any of those, because we've never used any, but they seem to have 14-day trials, so you can check them out.
In the documentation for variant.store_availabilities, it says "Returns an array of store_availability objects if variant.selected is true." For variant.selected to be true, the variant must be specified as a URL parameter. However, I'm still not able to get it to return anything, even with this in place.
Hi @Sebastian_Young,
The variant.store_availabilities only shows if a variant is stocked in a specific location (mostly used to determine if a product can be picked up from a location), it doesn't come with stock levels. There's an implementation example here:
Thanks @pvoulg. I don't need actual levels per location, just whether it is available at a location, but I still can't get it to return anything. I've seen that example implementation, which is not exactly what I'm trying to achieve. Essentially I just need to know, for each variant, if it is available at one of our two locations. Any idea on how to do this?
So, yeah, as far as I can tell, this seems to be a Liquid bug or error. Some have noted that pickup needs to be enabled for all locations for it to work, whereas others have said that this doesn't work even when they are enabled. I will investigate further and get back to you if I figure anything out.
Thanks @pvoulg. We don't have pickup enabled because that requires multi-origin shipping to be enabled. I haven't enabled this, and don't think I want to, given that it's irreversible!
Did you find a good solution? I am looking into the same thing right now.
I am currently installing Arigato Automation Flow app, which should be able to tag products based on location availability, and even add metadata to products regarding how many are in stock.
Read more here:
I am hopeful that this will solve the problem.
@pvoulg can we get on a call I would like to get some work done and need consultation for displaying local inventory levels and display inventory that is in another location and is only available for delivery . so for example I have 2 locations in Shopify, Louisville & offsite -
Louisville location displays only Louisville inventory
offsite location ( we are adding products that are drop shipped, in this location ) - this diplays inventory in louisville + offsite available for delivery , so on drop ship products pick up option would not be avialble
please email me at
If you would also like to let your customers select a store we built the app for that. Your customers can select a store and then browse your whole catalog seeing the inventory available at their preferred location. Its the same way the big box retailers do it because it is the best user experience.
Here's a video that briefly overviews the user experience and shows some example sites. Of course, consumers can also see the inventory at each location.
Hello, when is ur app gonan be avaible?
Is there a way to filter products by location showing only products' variants corresponding to availability in that location?
This app is okay but not great. The cart error handling doesn't work well at all. I need an app that can prevent customer from checking out if their entire cart isn't available for pickup at any location. Also I'm unable to edit button text, input placeholders, etc.
Experienced similar issue seeing liquid data for product > variants > variant > store availabilities > store availability > location
I only see inventory reflected from our first location which also has store pickup enabled. Additional locations which also all do not have store pickup enabled do not reflect in product.available, variant.available, variant.store_availabilities[index].location. Shopify admin product clearly shows multiple locations with corresponding inventory per location.
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