Displaying color variants as individual products on custom collection page

Displaying color variants as individual products on custom collection page

Shopify Partner
6 0 0

I'm having some difficulty in creating a shoe store for a client.

FIrst off, they needed a "shop all" page to display all products on a page, but each product needed to be in it's own collection. For example, we have 2 collections currently - Low Tops and Hi Tops. So the first section will show Low Tops, then list every product, then a second section Hi Tops, then display all products in the Hi Tops collection.

I was able to do this, but now they want the ability to show each color variant as an individual product. For example, let's say we have a shoe called Shoe One that comes in two colors 'white' and 'black'. This Shop All page should display the product Shoe One as 2 products, one for the white variant and one for the black variant.

Here's an example of another shopify store that is doing this: https://www.koio.co/collections/collection-men

Here is the original code I wrote to pull in the collections and display them as individual products:

<div class="full-width-desktop-padding" id="Collection">
    <div class="section-header text-center">
      <h2>Shop All Collections</h2>
    {% for collection in collections %}
    <div class="collection-wrapper">
      <div class="section-header text-center">
        <h1 class="collection-title">{{ collection.title }}</h1>
      <ul class="grid grid--uniform grid--view-items">
        {% for product in collection.products %}
        <li class="grid__item grid__item--collection-template small--one-half medium-up--one-quarter">
          {%- assign max_height = 300 -%}
          {% include 'product-variant-card-grid', max_height: max_height %}
        {% endfor %}
      <div class="grid__item medium-up--eight-twelfths medium-up--push-one-sixth"><hr /></div>
      <div class="clearfix"></div>
    {% endfor %}

I've tried multiple ways of editing that block of code above to run an if/else statement inside to check if a product has more than one of the variant option 'Color': if only one color variant, display product as normal, if more than one color variant, display the product with the color variants as individual products and also display the variant image as the featured image.

This is the latest code I've tried, but after a whole day of attempts, I still can't get this working.

<div class="full-width-desktop-padding" id="Collection">
    <div class="section-header text-center">
      <h2>Shop All Collections</h2>
    {% for collection in collections %}
      <div class="collection-wrapper">
        <div class="section-header text-center">
          <h1 class="collection-title">{{ collection.title }}</h1>
        <ul class="grid grid--uniform grid--view-items">   
          {% for product in collection.products %}
          	{% capture colour_variant %}
            {% for variant in product.variants %}
            {% for option in variant.options %}
            {% if product.options[forloop.index0] == 'Color' %}somestring,{% endif %}
            {% endfor %}
            {% endfor %}
          {% endcapture %}

          {% assign colour_variant_split = colour_variant | split: 'somestring,' | uniq %}
          {% assign colour_count = colour_variant_split.size | minus:1 %}

          {% if colour_count == 1 %}
              <li class="grid__item grid__item--collection-template small--one-half medium-up--one-quarter">
                {{ colour_count }}
                {%- assign max_height = 300 -%}
                {% include 'product-card-grid', max_height: max_height %}
            {% else %}
              {% for variant in product.variants %} 
                {% assign featured = variant %}
                  <li class="grid__item grid__item--collection-template small--one-half medium-up--one-quarter">
                    {{ colour_count }}
                    {%- assign max_height = 300 -%}
                    {% include 'product-variant-card-grid', max_height: max_height %}
              {% endfor %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endfor %}
        <div class="grid__item medium-up--eight-twelfths medium-up--push-one-sixth"><hr /></div>
        <div class="clearfix"></div>
    {% endfor %}

If it helps, all products have the first variant option as size, and second variant option as color.

Any help getting this working is greatly appreciated!!

Replies 29 (29)

Shopify Partner
3911 395 1440

Kevin, I'm usually using code similar to this: https://dylanjh.com/blogs/15-show-all-colors-of-a-product-as-separate-products-on-the-collection-pag...

The idea is to basically for each product loop over variants, get variant color and output this variant if color not in the list of colors for this product (and then add this color to the list), so no color gets output twice.

{% for product in collection.products %}
{% for option in product.options %}
   {% if option == 'Color' %}
   {% assign index = forloop.index0 %}
   {% assign colorlist = '' %}
   {% assign color = '' %}
   {% for variant in product.variants %}
   {% capture color %}
   {{ variant.options[index] }}
   {% endcapture %}

     {% unless colorlist contains color %}
        <-- INSERT PRODUCT LOOP -->
        {% capture tempList %}
      {{colorlist | append: color | append: " " }}
      {% endcapture %}
      {% assign colorlist = tempList %}
      {% endunless %}
      {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

The idea is to basically for each product variant get its color and output this variant if color not in the list of colors for this product (adding this color to the list), so no color gets output twice.


If my post is helpful, consider liking it -- it will help others with similar problem to find a solution.
I can be reached via e-mail tairli@yahoo.com
Shopify Partner
5 0 0

where do I need to add the code? Please!

thank You

3 0 0

Hi Tim,


I am having similar issues, where would I want to paste this code? in collection-list-template.liquid?


Thanks for your help!

Shopify Partner
25 0 3

How would this affect collection filtering? It looks like the example site given (koio.co) does it the other way around... create colors as separate products and then brings them together as a swatch on the product page

Shopify Partner
29 0 7

I have done it both ways and I find creating a separate product for each color (like the koio.co site) works better.  Having a separate product for each color is advantageous when filtering by color because the customer sees the image that matches the color they are searching for.  Additionally this approach gets around the 100 variant limitation on a product which comes into play easily with shoes.  If you have 13 sizes per color a single product can only support 7 colors.  If you add an option for width with medium and wide you are down to 3 colors. 

The koio.com implementation is one way of getting all the products on a page, but there are others that do not require a page reload every time a different color is selected.  Regardless of the approach the first step is to group the related color-products together into a collection so that we know what to show together.  You can use tags or other attributes of the product to create the collections. 

Showing them together:

  • Shopify themes convert the product liquid object to JSON in a script to make it accessible to the code javascript code that controls options selection. 

    Look for code like this in the product.template.liquid or product.liquid file:

      <script type="application/json" id="ProductJson-{{ section.id }}">
        {{ product | json }}
  • Shopify adds product variants to the cart using the variant_id.
  • Published themes are required to use the OptionSelector callback functionality to implement the option selection.

This means that for most any theme we can add variants to the product JSON and the DOM that the Shopify code uses to display and navigate options without breaking that functionality. 

Start by identifying the collection associated with the product that defines the group.  This code looks for a collection that has a description starting with the word style:

{% for collection in product.collections %}
  	{% assign a = collection.description | downcase | truncate: 5, '' %}
  	{% if a == 'style' %}
  	{% assign product_collection = collection %}
  	{% break %}
  	{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Next create arrays of variants and images in the group:

{% assign variants = product.variants %}
{% assign images = product.images %}

{% if product_collection %}
  {% for p in product_collection.products %}   
  	{% if p.id != product.id and p.available %}
  		{% assign variants = variants | concat: p.variants %}
	{% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
  {% for p in product_collection.products %}   
  	{% if p.id != product.id and p.available %}
  		{% assign images = images | concat: p.images %}
	{% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endif %}


Go through the code in the file and replace loops that use product.variants and product.images with variants and images variables.  


Replace {{ product | json }} with code to recreate a product JSON that contains all variants and images:

{"id":{{product.id | json}},"title":{{product.title | json}}, "handle":{{product.handle | json}}, 
  "description":{{product.description | json}}, "published_at":{{product.published_at | json}},
  "created_at":{{product.created_at | json }}, "vendor":{{product.vendor | json}}, "type":{{product.type | json}},
  "tags":{{product.tags | json}}, "price":{{product.price | json}},"price_min":{{product.price_min | json}}, 
  "price_max":{{product.price_max | json}}, "available":{{product.available | json}}, "price_varies":{{product.price_varies | json}},
  "compare_at_price":{{product.compare_at_price | json}},"compare_at_price_min":{{product.compare_at_price_min | json}}, 
  "compare_at_price_max":{{product.compare_at_price_max | json}}, "compare_at_price_varies":{{product.compare_at_price_varies | json}},
          {% for variant in variants %}
{{variant | json}}{% unless forloop.last == true %},{%endunless%}
          {% endfor %}
          {% for image in images %}
{{image | json}}{% unless forloop.last == true %},{%endunless%}
          {% endfor %}
], "featured_image": {{product.featured_image | json}}, "options":{{product.options | json}},
  "content":{{product.comntent | json}}


Additional effort is required to show only the images associated with the "color-product" for the selected variant.


Shopify Partner
25 0 3

Thanks Brian, interested in helping me set this up as a quick job? I'm using the Handy theme by Pixel Union.  If so, I can be reached at info@apollomerchants.com

2 0 0

Hi Brian, could you please contact me for a quick job setting up the color variants on collection page? Would be appreciated. Thanx! Carlos - cchhaass@hotmail.com

1 0 0

@Brian_McKinley Are you interested in setting this up for our store?

New Member
14 0 0

can you help me with a similar issue and quick job email is ocsportsandmerch@yahoo.com


Shopify Partner
10 1 0

Hi @tim have you had any luck combining this with your tip on displaying available sizes beneath the product description?

I've been trying to implement a variant on your solution for the latter as per the code in this Gist, but the trouble is it's returning all the size values rather than just the ones that apply to the colour in question. The issue I'm having is illustrated better visually:


Screen Shot 2019-08-01 at 5.31.38 pm.png













I've spoken to Dylan about this, but he didn't have a solution. Any ideas on how to I might be able to get the code to print out the available sizes for just the variant pictured above it?


Thanks in advance. Your tips have been super helpful thus far!


47 1 2

Hi There

i am using Crave Theme 2.0 and i need to do the same as above , show each color as a seperate style on my website  if you can give me the steps on where do i insert this code 

my website is www.nyck.com 

Thank You 

1 0 0

Hey Tim, if you're available for some work applying this customisation and a few other things, please contact me on mario@getculturedagency.com.au


Shopify Partner
10 0 0

Hi. Can you help me please with the same problem? I have two same color button for one product 

Shopify Partner
6 0 0

Wow thanks so much Tim for linking that code!

Got it working perfectly first try!

15 0 3

It's an old thread but probably many merchants are still asking the same question about listing product variants on collection pages. We have recently developed an app which allows to list variants as separate products on collection pages. Here is a link: https://apps.shopify.com/show-variants-on-collection-page . With the app you can automatically show all available variants or select variants to be displayed per collection.
Here is a link to our demo store if you would like to see the app in action.

Shopify Partner
25 0 3

Does this work with Filtering? Such as with the app Product Filter & Search

15 0 3

Hi, It works with some apps that offer filtering. I can confirm that it works with this one: https://apps.shopify.com/product-filter-search

However if it doesn't work with any specific filter please contact us and we will add a support for any 3rd party app.

Shopify Partner
25 0 3

Hi team, do you have an example of a store where this works with the filter app mentioned? I have a client right now who is asking for exactly this.  Also, are you able to make this app on development stores to test it out? Looks like you need to be a on a paid plan to install the app currently 

Shopify Partner
196 11 21

Hi @Manny 

You can use Ultimate Filter & Search app https://apps.shopify.com/ultimate-search-and-filter-1 that has built-in feature to display variants as single products. It allows you to show variants by any options (color, material, custom option, i.e case type, phone, frame). One advanced feature is showing the matching variant image with filter selection and search term.

The demo store: https://usf-horizontal.myshopify.com/collections/shirts 

Filter or Search by Red color will show up product variant image in red. 

AI Search & Product Filter | SB - Check out our Shopify search and filter app to drive more sales
Shopify Partner
25 0 3

Trying to test it on a dev store, but it looks like you need to be on an active shopify plan?

17 0 22

@gravitysoftware Oh cool, only $30 a month too! Like what I pay for Shopify, deal! /s

17 0 22

no need to waste $30/m on @gravitysoftware  rent-seeking software, just use this code: https://dylanjh.com/blogs/19-show-all-products-as-separate-variants-on-the-collection-page-of-the-de... I personally just added the code to the end of my product-card-grid.liquid file without any other steps and it worked fine. Depending on the theme version ymmv

15 0 3

E-V-O, You replied to all posts that contain the link to our app. Well done! Why do you believe that our software is rent-seeking? We won't break even on this app in the next 12 months (if ever). The cost of development was very high because the app works with all themes. Our code was organized to detect the product nodes and deal with many aspects that you are not even aware of. In addition the app has many additional features: you can select which variants should be displayed per collection page, you can assign the "on hover" image for each variant etc. It also works with 3rd party filter apps. In addition we offer support and help merchants to resolve conflicts with other apps. We work very hard to earn the $30 / month on each installation.

Your solution is great but it needs to be modified for each theme and it's limited to display color variants only. Our app can work with multiple variants. Did you try our app at all? Why did you decide to offend us? 

1 0 0

Actually, your app is not doing the same as the website Koio.co , where every color variant is it's own product and page. But they are linked together across those pages by a color-selector (dropdown on koio.co|).

Your app just splits up the variants on the collection page and shows all images of all colors. Might not be what the web developer wants.

Shopify Partner
2 0 1

Found this gem, who has presented a solution for this case, works for me!

12 0 3

Hi, The link you shared works great to show the variants. But I see that every products on catalog now show all variants. Is there a way to show the variants only if its part of a collection?

Shopify Partner
460 3 42

This guy created videos on displaying products on the basis of color variants for each of the theme. He also create code for themes which you want if video is not available. He is just taking few dollar as one time fee. Really recommend to this guy because of the situation I found with the people who are suffering from paying high fee of the App each month. 


Here is his video playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB3Vs7gvGQUd81oa8gQvbfOc0nt1sgN62


Hope this helps. Thanks.

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Shopify Partner
460 3 42

You can display color variants as separate products:


Hire Me:

WhatsApp: +91-9145985880
Email: mohdramzaan112@gmail.com
Skype: mohdramzaan112