displaying shipping rate before entering adress and also before checkout on cart page

displaying shipping rate before entering adress and also before checkout on cart page

26 1 3

hey guys i'm only delivering in one country (my home country) and i have only one fix shippingrate which is 4,99 € is it possible to show this somehow on the cart page and without entering the shipping adress? many german stores and other shop CMS have this feature but i can not find it on shopify: perfect would it be like in the example below: i just selected the product and put it in my cart, this is the cart page without entering any adress so far:







Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
845 100 120


Does your shipping fee just one amount fixed only or will many fee level that depend address or total amount cart?

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26 1 3

it should be 4,99 € below 80 € cart amount then from 80 € free shipping

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Im in the same position; one shipping region, 2 shipping rates based on cost. The checkout knows the customers shipping automatically because its the only one available. But the customer still has to enter a specific address before they (hopefully) notice the total has suddenly changed from the previously displayed amount. It should be easy to change this or for shopify to correct this?


Wrong. Its just another one of those things that should be simple but is incredibly difficult/impossible to do on Shopify and will apparently never improve despite the extortionate subscription rates we pay. Its weird considering having shipping rates display automatically in carts before entering a specific address is standard practice. The fact that the true cost isn't revealed to our customers until they're partway through the Checkout section just seems like bad service on our end but really it's shopify putting us in this position.


Instead of addressing this issue, I've seen shopify admins question users on why they would need this feature (despite this being the norm for every online checkout I've ever used). Absolutely appalling service.

Shopify Partner
168 30 40

Hi @marvinsignpoint , This can be achieved with custom coding. Alternatively, you might consider using a cart upselling app. This way, customers can see the shipping rates as written information and also find out how they can qualify for free shipping. It could enhance their shopping experience.

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