Edit Social Media Icons in Hamburger 'footer' on mobile view

Edit Social Media Icons in Hamburger 'footer' on mobile view

Shopify Partner
3 0 0

Hello People,


Can somebody help me with this issue. We have a webshop and use Dawn 15.02 theme. I have already changed everything that was necessary to show a whatsapp icon and a LinkedIn icon in the footer of the desktop view. This is also shown in the footer of the mobile view. 

The problem is now that we also have a hamburger menu (with its own footer apparently) on the mobile view. And in this specific footer it still only shows the 3 default icons, but not the added Whatspp and LinkedIn icons. And I really have no idea where to find the code to change this too. This hamburger Footer should also show the same icons as in the 'other' footer. Who can help me to find the specific setting or code to add the Whatsapp and LinkedIn icons to the 'footer' of the hamburger menu in mobile view?

I have checked the base.css files and the theme.liquid file and also the header.liquid file but I really can't find the part that I have to change? 

Mobiel view footer.png



Replies 2 (2)
Shopify Partner
3 0 0

Yes, at this moment that is the only thing. 

Shopify Partner
3 0 0

I am sorry but I am not comfortable doing that. Besides that, it also neglects the golden rules of a community like this, and that is helping eachother, AND also others who might face the same issue and are looking for a solution. So the best way to help me AND those others is to provide some explanation and steps and maybe code as a post-reply on my post. That way everybody can read along and can also use or try the given solutions.