Empire Theme: Add 'Read More' button to Collection descriptions

Empire Theme: Add 'Read More' button to Collection descriptions

12 0 1


I'm trying to improve the SEO of my site and I'd like to add 500-800 words of text to my collection pages but a big block of text before the products makes the page look really unprofessional and there's no option to add it below the collection grid.

Has anyone managed to hide the text with a 'Read more' button? I've seen a few stores do this but never on the Empire theme. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
103 19 17

This could be done with custom code, however under 'customize' you can Add section of Collapsible content which you could use for the additional text, and place this section towards the bottom of the page. Additionally if you break up the 500-800 words into various categories under the collapsible rows, Google might look more favourable on it, and could provide customers with more information. 


Hope this helps 



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