Expand order summary by default [Studio Theme]

Expand order summary by default [Studio Theme]

New Member
8 0 0

I would like to, by default, have the order summary expanded on mobile.

(Yes, this question has already been posted a lot through the years but with no solution)







This is what the code looks like in the two different states.


Collapsed (default)

<button class="order-summary-toggle shown-if-js order-summary-toggle--hide" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="order-summary" data-drawer-toggle="[data-order-summary]" aria-hidden="false">



<button class="order-summary-toggle shown-if-js order-summary-toggle--show" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="order-summary" data-drawer-toggle="[data-order-summary]" aria-hidden="false">


Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
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plz share the url


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To enhance and customize Shopify search and filter, I use Boost Product Filter & Search

10 0 5

@Shopify   -> is there a solution to this, as i know with my target audience (50 + ) it is 100% effecting conversions.  - its a simple thing to have it as an option in the settings page or something, i could code the fix myself in 2 minutes.