Extra banner modules for my website

Extra banner modules for my website

36 1 6

Hi All,


Who can help us create some extra banner modules for our website? For one of you, this is probably relatively easy to add, but for us, with less knowledge, it is more difficult to do. We want to use it on homepage, page and collection page.


Option 1:

Don't look at the look and feel of these banners (it's just an example). We simply want to have the option to add two image banner modules next to eachother. Per banner we want to have the option to add/change: Image, title, subtitle, CTA (visible/not visible)


Option 2: 


Again don't look at the look & feel of these banner. We simply want a module of 3 small image banner next to eachother. Were we can add a title and subtitle


Option 3:



Also don't look at the look and feel. We want to have a module with on the left a big image module (where we can add also Image, title, subtitle, CTA (visible/not visible)) and on the right to small image banners where we can add a title and subtitle


Thank you!


Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
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Hi R

Is this project still available and can I take on this project?

Feel free to email me! 😄
I'm open to conversations or work ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ