Featured collection section - side margin appears on mobile?

Featured collection section - side margin appears on mobile?

22 0 4


I'm using the Dawn free shopify theme. The default maximum width was 1600px, I changed that to 100% from the base.css. On desktop it's working fine - the featured colletion section is full width as it should be (first screenshot). However, on mobile these two margins show up on the sides when the featured collection section is 1 column and I have no idea how to get rid of them.

I tried messing around some more with the base.css and also adding code with different selectors, but nothing seems to work. 

Does anybody know from where I should change this? 


Thank you very much in advance!

screenshot 1.PNGscreenshot 2.PNG

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Hello, thank you for answering, I found a solution - the responsible code was in component-slider.css