Re: Focal Theme: Adding To Cart On Mobile Redirects User To The Bottom Of The Cart Page

Focal Theme: Adding To Cart On Mobile Redirects User To The Bottom Of The Cart Page

40 0 16



We are experiencing an issue with our theme - whenever a user on mobile adds a product to their cart, it will redirect the user to bottom of the page rather than the top. The issue is not happening on desktop.


Is there a code we can add that will ensure when a user is redirected to the cart page, it will always load at the top of the page? Thank you in advance.


Store link for testing:

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
37585 3668 12152

We have checked for this issue in real system and browserstack but it is working ok. In which system configuration or browser you are checking?

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40 0 16

Hi Ketan, it seems to only happen when we test on iPhone mobile

Shopify Partner
37585 3668 12152

@hdkingy thanks for more details 

i have test also IOS multi Device its working fine 

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