Get "variation.image" while inside "value in option.values" loop

Get "variation.image" while inside "value in option.values" loop

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519 58 111

I was wondering how I could get the variation image while inside the options.values loop? My current code looks like this: 


{% for value in option.values %}
  {% for variant in product.variants %}
    {% if value == variant.title %}
      {{ variant.image.src | product_img_url: medium }}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}



This works perfectly when there is only 1 option like "Color", the issue I run into is where there are multiple options like "Color" and "Lenth". Then the values do not match the variation.titles.

Example: Our example product has "Color" and "Length" options instead of just "Length". The following is the output.
{{value}} = RED 
{{variation.title}} = RED / 16"

Is there an easier way to pull the variation images this was on Dawn 7.0.1

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Shopify Partner
519 58 111

I was looking to keep this starting with

{% for value in option.values %}

{% for variant in product.variants %}

Also, I did ask Chatgtp and it replied with something VERY similar which just didn't work. 

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