Re: Hamburger menu not showing on my mobile site

Hamburger menu not showing on my mobile site

21 0 6


Can somebody help me with my site? On my desktop site, you can see all the menus but not on mobile. I tried some codes and for one second it was like this ( how I want it and then it switched back to how it is now. Can somebody help me to get it how it looks like on the screenshot




Replies 5 (5)

Shopify Partner
37583 3668 12151


Sorry you are facing this issue, it would be my pleasure to help you.

Welcome to the Shopify community!😊
Thanks for your good question.

1. Go to Online Store->Theme->Edit code
2. Asset->/theme.css ->paste below code at the bottom of the file.
this code apply for after 5 - 6 second

@media only screen and (max-width: 749px) {
.site-header__icons-wrapper span.icon__fallback-text {font-size: 10px;}
svg.icon.icon-hamburger { display: inline-block;}


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21 0 6

Thanks KetanKumar and how can I get my logo centered and the search, cart bag, login to icons for mobile looking like the screenshot (screenshot is photoshop btw)site.png

Shopify Partner
37583 3668 12151


it can be done some custom code move one icon left side 

header look 2 icon left center logo and right 2 icon

If helpful then please Like and Accept Solution. Partnership of your ️ Coffee Tips and my code can bring miracles.
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21 0 6

Can you put the code for it here please?

Shopify Partner
37583 3668 12151


yes is possible to customization take more time if you need sent pm detail


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