
Have more than 3 in a row on the collections sections of the store - Dune Theme

27 5 8

Hi Guys

I am using the new Dune template, how do I change the code to allow 6 and 8 in a row please?

Below is the live code from the collection-list.liquid

Thanks in advance



{{ 'section-collection-list.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'component-slider.css' | asset_url }}" media="print" onload="'all'">

<noscript>{{ 'component-slider.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}</noscript>

{{ 'component-card.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}

<div class="collection-list-wrapper page-width{% if section.settings.swipe_on_mobile == true %} page-width-desktop{% endif %}{% if section.settings.title == blank %} no-heading{% endif %}{% if section.settings.show_view_all == false or section.blocks.size > collections.size %} no-mobile-link{% endif %}">
<div class="title-wrapper-with-link{% if section.settings.swipe_on_mobile == true %} title-wrapper--self-padded-tablet-down{% else %} title-wrapper--self-padded-mobile{% endif %}{% if section.settings.title == blank %} title-wrapper-with-link--no-heading{% endif %}">
<h2 class="collection-list-title">{{ section.settings.title | escape }}</h2>

{%- if section.settings.show_view_all and section.settings.swipe_on_mobile -%}
<a href="{{ routes.collections_url }}" class="link underlined-link large-up-hide">{{ 'sections.collection_list.view_all' | t }}</a>
{%- endif -%}

<slider-component class="slider-mobile-gutter">
<ul class="collection-list grid grid--1-col{% if section.blocks.size < 5 %} grid--{{ section.blocks.size }}-col-tablet{% else %} grid--3-col-tablet{% endif %}{% if section.settings.swipe_on_mobile %} slider slider--tablet grid--peek{% endif %} collection-list--{{ section.blocks.size }}-items{% if section.settings.show_view_all == false or section.blocks.size > collections.size %} negative-margin--small{% endif %}"
id="Slider-{{ }}"

{%- liquid
assign columns = section.blocks.size
if columns > 3
assign columns = 3

{%- for block in section.blocks -%}
<li class="collection-list__item grid__item{% if section.settings.swipe_on_mobile %} slider__slide{% endif %}" {{ block.shopify_attributes }}>
<a{% if block.settings.collection != blank and block.settings.collection.all_products_count > 0 %} href="{{ block.settings.collection.url }}"{% endif %}
class="card animate-arrow link{% if block.settings.collection.featured_image != blank %} card--media{% else %}{% if section.settings.image_ratio != 'adapt' %} card--stretch{% endif %}{% endif %}{% unless section.settings.image_padding %} card--light-border{% endunless %}"
<div class="card--stretch card-colored color-{{ section.settings.color_scheme }}">
{%- if block.settings.collection.featured_image != blank -%}
<div{% if section.settings.image_padding %} class="card__media-spacer"{% endif %}>
{% if section.settings.image_padding %}<div class="overlay-card"></div>{% endif %}
<div class="media{% if section.blocks.size > 1 %} media--{{ section.settings.image_ratio }}{% endif %} media--hover-effect overflow-hidden"
{% if section.settings.image_ratio == 'adapt' and section.blocks.size > 1 %}style="padding-bottom: {{ 1 | divided_by: block.settings.collection.featured_image.aspect_ratio | times: 100 }}%;"{% endif %}>

srcset="{%- if block.settings.collection.featured_image.width >= 165 -%}{{ block.settings.collection.featured_image | img_url: '165x' }} 165w,{%- endif -%}
{%- if block.settings.collection.featured_image.width >= 330 -%}{{ block.settings.collection.featured_image | img_url: '330x' }} 330w,{%- endif -%}
{%- if block.settings.collection.featured_image.width >= 535 -%}{{ block.settings.collection.featured_image | img_url: '535x' }} 535w,{%- endif -%}
{%- if block.settings.collection.featured_image.width >= 750 -%}{{ block.settings.collection.featured_image | img_url: '750x' }} 750w,{%- endif -%}
{%- if block.settings.collection.featured_image.width >= 1000 -%}{{ block.settings.collection.featured_image | img_url: '1000x' }} 1000w,{%- endif -%}
{%- if block.settings.collection.featured_image.width >= 1500 -%}{{ block.settings.collection.featured_image | img_url: '1500x' }} 1500w,{%- endif -%}
{%- if block.settings.collection.featured_image.width >= 3000 -%}{{ block.settings.collection.featured_image | img_url: '3000x' }} 3000w,{%- endif -%}
{{ block.settings.collection.featured_image | img_url: 'master' }} {{ block.settings.collection.featured_image.width }}w"
src="{{ block.settings.collection.featured_image | img_url: '1500x' }}"
(min-width: {{ settings.page_width }}px) {{ settings.page_width | minus: 100 | divided_by: columns }}px,
(min-width: 750px) {% if section.blocks.size > 1 %}calc((100vw - 10rem) / 2){% else %}calc(100vw - 10rem){% endif %},
calc(100vw - 3rem)"
alt="{{ block.settings.collection.title | escape }}"
height="{{ block.settings.collection.featured_image.height }}"
width="{{ block.settings.collection.featured_image.width }}"

<div class="card__text card__text-spacing card-colored card__text-hover{% if section.settings.image_padding == false %} color-{{ section.settings.color_scheme }}{% endif %}">
{% unless section.settings.image_padding %}<div class="overlay-card"></div>{% endunless %}
{%- if block.settings.collection.title != blank -%}
{{- block.settings.collection.title | escape -}}<span class="icon-wrap">&nbsp;{% render 'icon-arrow' %}</span>
{%- else -%}
{{ 'onboarding.collection_title' | t }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- else -%}
<div class="overlay-card"></div>
<div class="card__text-spacing card__text-hover">
<h3 class="h1">
{%- if block.settings.collection.title != blank -%}
{{- block.settings.collection.title | escape -}}{%- if block.settings.collection.description == blank -%}<span class="icon-wrap">&nbsp;{% render 'icon-arrow' %}</span>{% endif %}
{%- else -%}
{{ 'onboarding.collection_title' | t }}
{%- endif -%}

{%- if block.settings.collection.description != blank -%}
<p class="card__caption">
{{- block.settings.collection.description | strip_html | truncatewords: 12 -}}<span class="icon-wrap">&nbsp;{% render 'icon-arrow' %}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}

{%- if section.settings.swipe_on_mobile -%}
<div class="slider-buttons no-js-hidden{% if section.blocks.size < 5 %} medium-hide{% endif %}{% if section.blocks.size < 2 %} small-hide{% endif %}">
<button type="button" class="slider-button slider-button--prev" name="previous" aria-label="{{ 'accessibility.previous_slide' | t }}">{% render 'icon-caret' %}</button>
<div class="slider-counter caption">
<span class="slider-counter--current">1</span>
<span aria-hidden="true"> / </span>
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'accessibility.of' | t }}</span>
<span class="slider-counter--total">{{ section.blocks.size }}</span>
<button type="button" class="slider-button slider-button--next" name="next" aria-label="{{ 'accessibility.next_slide' | t }}">{% render 'icon-caret' %}</button>
{%- endif -%}

{%- if section.settings.show_view_all and section.blocks.size < collections.size -%}
<div class="center{% if section.settings.swipe_on_mobile %} small-hide medium-hide{% endif %}">
<a href="{{ routes.collections_url }}" class="button">{{ 'sections.collection_list.view_all' | t }}</a>
{%- endif -%}

{% schema %}
"name": "",
"tag": "section",
"class": "spaced-section collection-list-section",
"max_blocks": 15,
"settings": [
"type": "text",
"id": "title",
"default": "Collections",
"label": "t:sections.collection-list.settings.title.label"
"type": "select",
"id": "image_ratio",
"options": [
"value": "adapt",
"label": "t:sections.collection-list.settings.image_ratio.options__1.label"
"value": "portrait",
"label": "t:sections.collection-list.settings.image_ratio.options__2.label"
"value": "square",
"label": "t:sections.collection-list.settings.image_ratio.options__3.label"
"default": "square",
"label": "t:sections.collection-list.settings.image_ratio.label",
"info": ""
"type": "select",
"id": "color_scheme",
"options": [
"value": "accent-1",
"label": "t:sections.collection-list.settings.color_scheme.options__1.label"
"value": "accent-2",
"label": "t:sections.collection-list.settings.color_scheme.options__2.label"
"value": "background-1",
"label": "t:sections.collection-list.settings.color_scheme.options__3.label"
"value": "background-2",
"label": "t:sections.collection-list.settings.color_scheme.options__4.label"
"value": "inverse",
"label": "t:sections.collection-list.settings.color_scheme.options__5.label"
"default": "background-1",
"label": "t:sections.collection-list.settings.color_scheme.label"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "swipe_on_mobile",
"default": false,
"label": "t:sections.collection-list.settings.swipe_on_mobile.label"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "image_padding",
"default": false,
"label": "t:sections.collection-list.settings.image_padding.label"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "show_view_all",
"default": false,
"label": "t:sections.collection-list.settings.show_view_all.label"
"blocks": [
"type": "featured_collection",
"name": "",
"settings": [
"type": "collection",
"id": "collection",
"label": "t:sections.collection-list.blocks.featured_collection.settings.collection.label"
"presets": [
"name": "",
"blocks": [
"type": "featured_collection"
"type": "featured_collection"
"type": "featured_collection"
{% endschema %}


Accepted Solutions (6)

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This is an accepted solution.


sorry for any issue can you please share store url

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27 5 8

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Shopify Partner
15843 2371 3073

This is an accepted solution.

hi @jamindavies 
Your site is password protected. Please share password.

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27 5 8

This is an accepted solution.

Thanks in advance!

PWD: enawpo

View solution in original post

Shopify Partner
15843 2371 3073

This is an accepted solution.

You just need to add this code at the bottom of theme->edit code-> asset-> base.css.


/*To show 6 items per row*/
@media only screen and (min-width: 1023px) {

.collection-list.grid--3-col-tablet .grid__item {
	max-width: 16.55% !important;
.card__text.card__text-spacing.card-colored.card__text-hover {
	min-height: 87px;



Get pass your Store Core Web Vital Free Speed Optimization Audit, Chat on WhatsApp | Skype : oscprofessionals-87 | Email: | Custom Pricing Wholesale App : Free | Hire us | Guaranteed Site Speed Optimization | Website Free Audit | Shopify Theme Customization | Build Shopify Private App | Shopify SEO | Digital Marketing

View solution in original post

27 5 8

This is an accepted solution.

Thank you that sorted it!

View solution in original post

Replies 7 (7)

Shopify Partner
36843 3636 11978

This is an accepted solution.


sorry for any issue can you please share store url

If helpful then please Like and Accept Solution.
Want to modify or custom changes on store Hire me.
- Feel free to contact me on regarding any help
Shopify Partner | Skype :
PSD to Shopify | Shopify Design Changes | Shopify Custom Theme Development and Desing | Custom Modifications In to Shopify Theme | SEO & Digital Marketing
27 5 8

This is an accepted solution.

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Shopify Partner
15843 2371 3073

This is an accepted solution.

hi @jamindavies 
Your site is password protected. Please share password.

Get pass your Store Core Web Vital Free Speed Optimization Audit, Chat on WhatsApp | Skype : oscprofessionals-87 | Email: | Custom Pricing Wholesale App : Free | Hire us | Guaranteed Site Speed Optimization | Website Free Audit | Shopify Theme Customization | Build Shopify Private App | Shopify SEO | Digital Marketing
27 5 8

This is an accepted solution.

Thanks in advance!

PWD: enawpo

Shopify Partner
15843 2371 3073

This is an accepted solution.

You just need to add this code at the bottom of theme->edit code-> asset-> base.css.


/*To show 6 items per row*/
@media only screen and (min-width: 1023px) {

.collection-list.grid--3-col-tablet .grid__item {
	max-width: 16.55% !important;
.card__text.card__text-spacing.card-colored.card__text-hover {
	min-height: 87px;



Get pass your Store Core Web Vital Free Speed Optimization Audit, Chat on WhatsApp | Skype : oscprofessionals-87 | Email: | Custom Pricing Wholesale App : Free | Hire us | Guaranteed Site Speed Optimization | Website Free Audit | Shopify Theme Customization | Build Shopify Private App | Shopify SEO | Digital Marketing
27 5 8

This is an accepted solution.

Thank you that sorted it!

27 5 8


I need now it to work as mentioned here:



