Re: Having trouble changing the text beside the favicon.

Having trouble changing the text beside the favicon.

2 0 0

Is there a tutorial regarding how to change the text beside the favicon? As I change my pages the text also changes and I would prefer it to be just my company title throughout any page in my website.

Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
48 5 3

Hi @ProjectExcl 
I think you want to change the page title.
In this case you can check the file theme.liquid and change the code between the tags <title> ... </title>
Have a look on this image to know more

donny money · Edit ~ Dawn · Shopify 2023-08-08 17-45-29.jpg

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Yes, I have tried looking into this but unfortunately I am not sure specifically what to change the code into. Or could elaborate more regarding this in specifics what am I supposed to type as I'm not knowledgeable in coding.



Shopify Partner
48 5 3

Hi @ProjectExcl 
Please have a look on this image to know how to change the code and add the content

donny money · Edit ~ Dawn · Shopify 2023-08-10 07-57-20.jpg

1 0 0

I think he is asking how to even get to that part to change the code.