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header customisation

header customisation

9 0 2


I would like:


The height of the header to be 50px on all pages


The cart icon to say 'Cart (0)'


The account icon to say 'Account'

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Replies 10 (10)

748 124 139


1) Go to Online Store
2) Edit Code
3) Find theme.css/base.css file
4) Add the following code in the bottom

header.header.header--middle-center.header--mobile-center.page-width.header--has-menu.header--has-account {
    height: 50px !important;


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9 0 2

hi, thanks... the header is now 50px but the content inside is not not aligned center 

9 0 2

but weirdly enough on every other page it is fine @topnewyork 

9 0 2

Vemega - No fish have been harmed for this Omega 3 - Google Chrome 26_11_2024 15_01_18.png

Vemega - No fish have been harmed for this Omega 3 - Google Chrome 26_11_2024 15_01_00.png

as you can see here @topnewyork 

748 124 139

let me check

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#shopify-section-template--23663895937346__background_video_CMJRwz h1 {
    color: #fefffc !important;
    text-align: center;
    font-family: "FTRegolaNeue-Semibold", sans-serif;
    font-size: 4rem !important;
    font-style: normal;
    letter-spacing: 0px;
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Hi @brandonkyt 


add This CSS it will help you to show the account and cart but not desire what you are looking for because the thing you looking for for that we have to modify the liquid code in the header.liquid for that I need the collaboration access if you can provide me I will make that for you



header.header {
    max-height: 50px;

header.header .header__heading {
    height: 50px;

header.header .header__heading .header__heading-link,
header.header .header__heading .header__heading-logo-wrapper,
header.header .header__heading .header__heading-logo{
    height: 100%;

header.header .header__icons .header__icon .visually-hidden {overflow: unset;width: 100%;height: 100%;margin: 0;clip: unset;position: unset !important;}
header.header .header__icons .header__icon.header__icon--account, header.header .header__icons #cart-icon-bubble {width: 100px;}


-If this solution helps you, kindly LIKE THIS REPLY and MARK AS A SOLUTION OR

Buying Me A Coffee.

-If you need an expert Shopify developer for customization and development, feel free to contact me.

Email: Mehran.ali5300@gmail.com

WhatsApp: +92 343 0211536

9 0 2

Vemega - No fish have been harmed for this Omega 3 - Google Chrome 26_11_2024 15_01_18.png

Vemega - No fish have been harmed for this Omega 3 - Google Chrome 26_11_2024 15_01_00.png

as you can see here weirdly it is fine on other pages but not the home page

Shopify Partner
416 52 65

Did you use the CSS code I provided you it worked on the developer Tool here is the result



-If this solution helps you, kindly LIKE THIS REPLY and MARK AS A SOLUTION OR

Buying Me A Coffee.

-If you need an expert Shopify developer for customization and development, feel free to contact me.

Email: Mehran.ali5300@gmail.com

WhatsApp: +92 343 0211536

9 0 2

hi yes i have done that it looks better but if you flick through the pages the header still slightly changes in height