Help with adding stock count to collection page - Craft theme

Help with adding stock count to collection page - Craft theme

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36 3 10

I'm trying to get the Craft theme in shape to use on my shop.  I need the stock count to display for each product on the collection page.

I've identified the file to edit:  snippets/card-product.liquid


I've added 

{% if card_product.available %}
<p>{{ product.inventory_quantity }} in stock</p>
{% else %}
<p>in stock soon!</p>
{% endif %}


but the variable, product.inventory_quantity isn't there.  I've tried current_variant.inventory_quantity, card_product.inventory_quantity, and several other guesses.


Anyone have any ideas of what variable exists for this number?   Or  where to look?  

I really don't want to hire a developer for this theoretically simple change.


Red Beauty Textiles
Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
922 172 195

Hi, @Booth 

You should use the variable




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