Re: Hide product page section X if this product's metafield Y is empty

Hide product page section X if this product's metafield Y is empty

19 0 5

I'm looking to add product value proposition sections to my product pages (just a headline + text on one side and image on the other side). I can set all these 3 variables (headline, text & image) as metafields, but I'm struggling with hiding the sections if any of those metafields is empty (meaning I only want to make these sections appear on the product page in case I've actually added content into these metafields).


So the functionality I'm after is:


"If metafield X for a specific product is empty, hide section Y on this product's page"


I've tried achieving this with the following CSS in my theme CSS file:


{% if product.metafields.custom.example_metafield == blank %}
#example_product_page_section_123 {
display: none;
{% endif %}


Unfortunately this does not work for me - if I do it like this, the section is hidden on all product pages disregarding whether the particular product's metafield has a value or not.


How might I get it to work the way I need it to?


Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
95 8 15

add the following condition 
{% if product.metafields.custom.example_metafield != blank %} 

write your code 

{% endif %}
if it helpfull please select as a solution . if not work please inform me i will help you to solve . thanks

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19 0 5

Thank you for the proposal. Unfortunately this isn't an option - it's not a custom html section, but a preset responsive section for my theme.

34 2 19

Check this url with discussion of emtpy fields in Shopify:

Some people are using empty instead of blank and other use nil  or just "". It seems to depend on if it string or not. I'm no expert, but I had to encase mine in style tags, but I wasn't looking for blank metafields. I was looking for a metafield that was set. Mine was like this:

{% if product.metafields.custom.example_metafield == example %}

#example_product_page_section_123 {
display: none;

{% endif %}