Re: Horizontal footer menu not centered on DAWN theme for mobile

Horizontal footer menu not centered on DAWN theme for mobile

22 1 3

Hi there, does anyone know how I can center my footer menu for mobile, I added this code :



@media screen and (max-width: 767px){
.footer__content-top {
    padding-bottom: 3rem;
    padding-left: calc(1rem / var(--font-body-scale)) !important;
    padding-right: calc(1rem / var(--font-body-scale)) important;
ul.footer-block__details-content.list-unstyled {
display: flex;
ul.footer-block__details-content.list-unstyled * {
    font-size: 9px !important;




and that made it horizontal which is what I wanted but now its not centered :



any help would be greatly appreciated, i've searched the topic and have tried several codes and nothing has worked




****UPDATE, I solved it 

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