How can i add multiple selections to one product required before adding to check out? without app

How can i add multiple selections to one product required before adding to check out? without app

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Hello, I am looking to add another product template that allows form fields in the style of a checkbox that can have multiple items checked which will be required before adding the product to cart. I have done this in the past with shopify a few years ago but the coding has all changed since then and i cant find any up to date information. I dont want to pay for an app.


Example is a product has 5 options and a selection of 3 need to be checked in order to add this item to cart.



Replies 2 (2)

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Certainly! To add multiple selections to a product before checkout without using an app:

1. **HTML**: Update your product page with checkboxes or dropdowns for each option.

2. **JavaScript**: Write a script to validate selected options before allowing addition to the cart.

3. **Backend**: If applicable, integrate the JavaScript logic with your backend for cart handling.

4. **Styling**: Ensure proper styling for a good user experience.


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thank you for your response! Unfortunately i am not sure how to apply any of those options.. do you have any more in-depth or detail instructions?