How can I alter font and background colours on different product templates?

How can I alter font and background colours on different product templates?

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I am trying to find the code I need to enter to have the font different colours on different product templates. I want to use the different colours to signpost the different types of product I have.


For example Product A on "default product" template has Black heading and body text, but Product B on "product.glitter" template should have #E50695 for H1, #F49DC3 for H2 and black other text and Product C on "product.enviro" template should have #F49DC3 for H1, #49b848 for H2, heading and black other text.


Also, I would like to change the background of the Image with Text section on each of those product templates too


I have created both the templates and assigned them to products. I am running Dawn 6.0.2 theme.


Thanks for your assistance 🙏🏻

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3 0 0

Hello there how are you doing?

I can help you out on this all you need to do is to provide your store details.
