How can I center and evenly space collections on my homepage?

How can I center and evenly space collections on my homepage?

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I removed one item from our collections section on our home page and now they are all off to the left. I'd like them centered and evenly spaced. I've tried lots of the suggestions on other similar posts but nothing has worked so far. URL is

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
2428 259 540

Hey, @floatinggardens 

What is the name of the theme that you are using? It seems like this theme has it hardcoded for there to be 6 collections across. And so when the 6th one is removed, it keeps the space there for the missing collection:

It's possible within your theme editor, when you go to edit that section, there could be an option to change the number of collections items from six to five.

If there is anything else I can help you with, please let me know.

Dirk | Social Care @ Shopify 
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