Re: Edit Button Text

How can I change the text on my banner button?

37 0 5

Hi everyone,


I need to update a button text on my banner and cannot find an easy way to do this, which is weird.


How do i update button text to say something else? Google says it's in the Language setting?


Please help as this to me should be extremely simple but I cannot find it in any of the settings.

Replies 9 (9)

Shopify Partner
1487 336 466

Consider adding more details. What theme are you using? What button exactly are you referring to? If you can, add a link to the website.

Nick | Ecommerce & Marketing Technology Consultant | Toronto, CANADA
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37 0 5

Hi Nick,


I'm using the YS-V3 and I'm trying to update text on the 'Shop Now' Button. Does that help? See attached

37 0 5

I'm trying to update this button here to show the Youtube Video via pushing the button that says WATCH NOW!.

37 0 5

Hi Nick,

Are you able to help me or need more info?

Shopify Partner
1487 336 466


I am not sure what is YS-V3, I assume it's an edited theme name (or a custom-made theme).

Here are a few suggestions:
1. Look for "Button label" or something similar in the theme editor itself. Usually, it should be one of the options in the list when you go to edit the banner (ideally it should be there). But sometimes theme developers can hide it somewhere else in the theme settings.

2. Look through Theme Settings

2021-12-23 14_50_17.png

3. Go to Settings -> theme > Action > Edit Language. and at the very top where you see Filter Items search for "Shop Now". It's unlikely to be there but still worth double-checking.

2021-12-23 14_47_35.png

4. Reach out to the theme developer, possibly the button was hardcoded (I very much hope it was not).

p.s. Also double-check there is no 3rd party Slider app installed. Check App section.

Nick | Ecommerce & Marketing Technology Consultant | Toronto, CANADA
- For consulting work availability, please send me a Private Message or submit a ✍️Contact Form.
- For FREE Shopify Tutorials, Subscribe to my YouTube channel (▶️ Ecommerce TV).
37 0 5

Hi Nick,

This is all it says. I started working here 6 months ago, not sure if this is a custom theme or not, I wouldn't think it is. I looked in the theme settings and see nothing about button text, which is so strange to me.


I don't think I should update this in the main code as I don't want to mess anything up globally.


Also, if I want the button to link to a YouTube video, is that possible without custom coding?

Shopify Partner
1487 336 466


Usually, things like adding a button link and changing text should be intuitive in the theme editor itself.

BUT, it is very likely the theme could have been tuned up a bit, so.... reach out to a dev, let them look into it. Unfortunately, I can't tell much just by looking at screenshots.

Make sure to double-check the App section, possibly the site got a slider app installed.

Nick | Ecommerce & Marketing Technology Consultant | Toronto, CANADA
- For consulting work availability, please send me a Private Message or submit a ✍️Contact Form.
- For FREE Shopify Tutorials, Subscribe to my YouTube channel (▶️ Ecommerce TV).
37 0 5

Hi Nick,  I just ended up hard coding it.


Thanks for your help though! Happy holidays!

Shopify Partner
1487 336 466


Thanks for the update. Likewise, happy holidays!

Nick | Ecommerce & Marketing Technology Consultant | Toronto, CANADA
- For consulting work availability, please send me a Private Message or submit a ✍️Contact Form.
- For FREE Shopify Tutorials, Subscribe to my YouTube channel (▶️ Ecommerce TV).