How can I create a floating main content with a fixed footer and banner?

How can I create a floating main content with a fixed footer and banner?

62 0 14

Hi everyone,

I would like to create an animation, where the first image banner and the footer are in a fixed position and the content of the website floating on top revealing the footer. Can someone help me create this? See attachment: 

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
406 119 154

Hey, check out this video, it's exactly what you're looking for:

Revealing footer with position: sticky! | Quick CSS-only Tutorial | Keyssentials by @keyframers (you...

Any donation is welcome! Thanks in advance!
62 0 14

Can you help me? Where do i put the code?

Shopify Partner
406 119 154

You would need to share the URL of your store with me to find out the names of the classes in your HTML containers.

Any donation is welcome! Thanks in advance!