How can I delete images from my library?

How can I delete images from my library?

6 0 8

I've to many images in my library. I want to delete some.

Replies 23 (23)

Shopify Staff
516 0 119

Hey Tangoz, 

I'm Ann, from the team here at Shopify 🙂

The images in your library are linked to the files you've uploaded to your store. If you head to Settings>Files, you'll see a list of images there, and you can use the little trash icon to delete them! That said, once they are deleted, there isn't any way to get them back, so make sure you're done with the image before you delete it, or save a copy to your computer! 

I hope this helps! If you have any more questions or concerns feel free to reach out to us here 🙂 

Have a great one,

Ann | Social Care @ Shopify 
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1 0 1

Hello, thanks for the reply. Is there a way to delete the replicate files without affecting the ones being used? 

2 0 5

Thanks for the post. I have been working on setting up store for over a week. It seems that most of the tutorials I have found are out of date or don't seem to match my store setup page.


The instructions to delete images from my library doesn't match my set up page. I don't find a list of files.

3 0 6

@Ann456 You are partially correct.  The image will not show up in the Settings>Files anymore, but if that image was associated with a product, it is still in the backend somewhere and sticks with the product. Deleting an image named XXX.jpg from the library and then deleting it from the product should allow you to re-upload an edited image named XXX.jpg and then reattach it to the product without the version tag (since the original was "deleted").  However, the original ("deleted") image pops right back up on the product page instead of the replacement image unless you manually upload the image via URL on the product page.  Please help as this is very annoying for vendors with thousands of products and images that need to be replaced with .csv or spreadsheet updates instead of manually one at a time.

16 0 21

This answer from Ann456 is wrong and badly outdated!

There is no "Settings>Files" as of at least 2021. Images are now in Content>Files (until it gets moved again without letting us know where).

Shopify, please try to keep up with your own updates!


1 0 0

Thank you for helping me quicky get to the correct area to do this.  Thank you to Tangoz for the initial question.

6 0 8

Hey Ann, 

I found GENERAL SETTINGS but there is no FILES folder. - see attached

Where is SETTINGS???




1 0 1

Settings can be found in the bottom left corner.


2 0 5

Sorry there is no settings links on bottom left of my setup page


Shopify Partner
1 0 7

This worked for me:


On the browser, go to: [my-store-url]/admin/settings/files 


All of your images will be listed here so you can delete the ones you no longer need.


Hope this helps.


2 0 1

I was going insane trying to figure out how to delete the images! thank you so much!


16 0 4

I still haven't figure out how to do it... and try to figure out why that simple task is to do it.

2 0 1

@Shopify When are you going to correct this simple task????!!! At 2x-3x the rate of competing platforms, I would not expect this issue to be outstanding for so long. I'm going back to #squarespace - It's a cheaper monthly bill and a platform that works.

1 0 1

Files have been moved to the Content menu.

1 0 4



Files is located on the left hand side of the admin page, under "Content" 


The "SETTINGS > FILES" location incorrect. 

2 0 1

@CUBICFORGE Thank you soooo much!

1 0 0

Thank you for posting that. I wish the person from Shopify posted before the correction directions before a user did. Appreciate the right directions!

1 0 2

Unfortunately not all the images are shown here. All of the product images are not visible in this library. I have no idea where to find them.

3 0 6

I have found that the image search tool does not always function the way that you would expect it to.  I do not know what image names that you are trying to find, but I will give a few pointers from my experience.

1) If I upload an image directly to a product page, that image does not show up in Settings->Files when I search for it.

2) No matter how I upload an image, direct to a product page or via the Settings->Files->Upload files page, all spaces, and special characters (except _ underscores and - hyphens) are converted to _ underscores.  For example "CAT#486-2 front silo.jpg" is converted to "CAT_486-2_front_silo.jpg".

3) If I upload a file that already exists, a random string of characters and numbers is appended before the file extension and after the original file name.  I learned this the hard way after bulk uploading 3000 images 12 times.  I am still removing all of the duplicates months later.

My workarounds:

1) My first step when uploading images is to make sure that all spaces and excluded special characters are changed to _ underscores before the upload.

2) I search for the image file name that I want to upload and delete all versions with the auto appended string of numbers and characters mentioned in #3 above.

3) I now only upload the file through Settings->Files->Upload files first and then add the image to the product via Excelify, or CSV push, for non-critical updates, or manually with the "Add media from URL" dropdown on the product page for critical updates.

4) When searching for files, I try to put in the exact file name that I am looking for first.

5) I put in the words that I believe are in the file name separated by spaces listed from general to specific.  It seems to find the image even if I just put any combination of words that are in the filename.

6) I have noticed that the special characters are not used in the search tool at all, including the _ and - allowed in the file names.

Hope that this helped.  It was and is a frustrating problem for new users like myself.

6 0 8

ahhh got it!



26 0 15

Unfortunately, settings/files contains only a small fraction of images uploaded (7 out of 300). Where I can find the rest of the uploaded images ?  I need to delete lots of them as my home page is 4.5 MB heavy and I optimized & compressed all of them. Any hints would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


9 0 3

2023 answer: your files are on the left side bar under Content > Files 

or at the URL  admin/content/files 


Screenshot 2023-06-02 at 13.55.18.png


8 0 4

thanks for all the advice but before i start can i ask , if you delete the images will they still stay on the public listings?