Re: Multiple recommmendations products

How can I get recommendations from multiple products?

Shopify Partner
18 0 1


is there a way to concact or get recommendations from multiple products?


I try to modify data-url like this, but he get recommendations only from last


    class="related-products page-width"
   data-url="{{ routes.product_recommendations_url }}?section_id={{ }}{% for item in cart.items %}&product_id={{}}{% endfor %}&limit={{ section.settings.products_to_show }}"


Any ideas?

Replies 2 (2)
Shopify Partner
18 0 1

Hello @kaiyaa ,

no, I want to show multiple recom in the cart. So take all the recom from the product in the cart and merge into one

Shopify Partner
1 0 1

@Shopify, is there anyone watching this request? It would be helpful for showing combination recommendations for all products in the cart.


I reckon something like this would work great: 


