Re: Hiding price for products in collection

How can I hide product prices for a specific tag in the Motion theme?

7 0 2

Hi. I would like to hide the price for the products containing the tag 'businesslisting' (also in collections) . I tried this solution but I can't find a product card liquid position. Is it called something else in my Motion theme? Could someone kindly direct my where and what code should I use?



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Hey @Marb2023 


Follow these Steps:

1) Go to Online Store
2) Edit Code
3) Find theme.liquid file

4) Add the following code in the bottom of the file above </body> tag

{% if product.tags contains 'businesslisting' %}
.price {
    display: none;
{% else %}
.price {
    display: block;
{% endif %}


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7 0 2

Hi Moeed, Thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately the prices are still visible 😕


Screenshot 2023-11-20 at 13.06.48.png