Re: Hiding shopify inbox on certain pages?

How can I hide the chat widget on specific pages?

New Member
8 0 0

Hello, the improvements and integrations on the Shopify inbox app have been amazing.

One key feature that would be crucial, is the availability to hide the 'chat with us' widget , on certain pages. Some pages really need the chat button, others, it can be very distracting

I hope i can find some help on how to solve this. Thank you

Replies 17 (17)

Shopify Partner
62 7 8

Hey @heskew 

This can be done with some extra code, send me the URL and the page you want to hide the widget from

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New Member
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Thank you, sending now

Shopify Partner
62 7 8


Go to theme.liquid and at the end of your closing head tag 




add the following code


{% if page.handle == 'cg-essential' %}
    #shopify-chat-dummy{display:none !important;}
{% endif %}


replace "cg-essential" with the handle of the page you want to hide it from.

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- Feel free to contact me if you need any help and and have any issue.
New Member
8 0 0
Hello, thanks! I actually edited the code a bit to hide
dummy-chat-button isntead of dummy chat and it worked!! Thanks so much
4 0 2

Can you please share the entire code?

Shopify Partner
62 7 8

@ErikLima  Send me your link

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- Feel free to contact me if you need any help and and have any issue.
Shopify Partner
2 0 0

Hi Gang - Any chance there's a code to exclude it from anything but a product or checkout page?


Thanks in advance!


1 0 0

Hi - I'm trying to remove the chat option from appearing on my blogs. What would I need to edit in your example to make this work? Thanks

2 0 0

Hi @SidouLF and @heskew, how would I apply this code to all blogs on the website? I have several different blog categories, and I would like to turn off chat for all of them. Do I need to list them all separately or can I disable the chat button for all blogs?

Here is example code to try to disable the "oregano oil and organic skincare" category:


{% if blog.handle == 'oregano-oil-and-organic-skincare' %}
#dummy-chat-button{display:none !important;}
{% endif %}


It doesn't seem to be working. Does the code belong within the <head></head> tag or just after it?

Thanks for your help!

3 0 0

You should be able to remove it from all blogs by just using the {% if blog %} but I am not 100% certain on that. It seems to me that the chat is loaded after everything else. So I made a workaround you add an `id=` inline to your body tag in your `theme.liquid` file 

{% if blog.handle == 'oregano-oil-and-organic-skincare'} 
{% endif %} >

...lots of code here


Then in your custom.css file you can add the css to remove it

#a-blog #dummy-chat-button-iframe {
display: hidden !important;
visibility: hidden !important;


54 0 5

Hello dear thanks for it !

On the contrary if we want to display it only in ONE page, only the homepage do you know what kind of code it is please ? 

Thanks !

3 0 0

Here is a workaround you add an `id=` inline to your body tag in your theme.liquid file



{% if blog.handle != 'home'} 
{% endif %} >

...lots of code here




Then in your custom.css file you can add the css to remove it



#not-home #dummy-chat-button-iframe {
display: hidden !important;
visibility: hidden !important;




1 0 0

Can you help me as well please, I tried inserting the code bellow but still cant make it hide from that page. 

{% if page.handle == 'sistema-de-puntuacion' %}
    #shopify-chat-dummy{display:none !important;}
{% endif %}


3 0 0

Can you help me add the Shopify Inbox to only one page on my website? I only want the chat widget to show on this page. 

1 0 0

Can you do this for me? 😄

Shopify Partner
9 0 6

My solution isn't necessarily URL specific but rather template specific! 

For example, if you would like to hide the Shopify chat widget on article pages! You'll need to go to Themes>Edit code and then search for the "article.liquid" template in sections folder. 

At the top of the section, insert the code below: 

  #shopify-chat {
    display: none !important;

The above code should work for any template you'd like to hide the chat widget on. 

If you are looking to hide the widget on a specific page, you'll need to have slightly more developer knowledge. You'll need to use handles!

Handles link:

Hope this helps (:

1 0 0

This is the only thing I found that works. Thanks heaps!  For me the section template was 'main-article.liquid' not 'article.liquid' though.