How can I improve my site design for better information display?

How can I improve my site design for better information display?

17 0 3

Hello everyone, Iam having a probleam with the desing of my site because where I like to put some informations about my store like freight, discounts and payments options it seems to me  kind ugly, anyone knows how to change that Captura de tela 2023-02-09 163048.png

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
191 42 51

Hello @NinjaHolding 


Can you share the password of your store? 

Thank You,

WebDesk Solution Support Team
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17 0 3

Hello @WebDeskSolution, of course, here is: reigum 

Shopify Partner
191 42 51

Hello @NinjaHolding 


Do you want to the following layout?




Thank You,

WebDesk Solution Support Team
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 | USA: 98 Cutter Mill Rd. STE 466, Great Neck, NY 11021