Re: Colorblock theme - make images clickable

How can I make images clickable in the Colorblock theme?

11 0 2



Loving the new theme Colorblock. 
But I want to make the images clickable on the front page.

All of the images in the dif. blocks in the themes should, IMO be clickable. 

Is there a way to do that ?

Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
845 100 120

hi @jenny123456778 ,

if you want the images clickable, you should be add the link for each them i mean here is tag <a>, so the link can adding from in customize blocks or you need do it in the code.

Hope can helpful to you!

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3 0 0

Where exactly do you add that?

Shopify Partner
845 100 120

Do you want add the link at here, right?


=> If do that, you can going to customize settings theme, maybe the theme support for add the url for each settings of images.

If not you go to the file .liquid and add the link follow this way:

<div class="collage-card color-accent-2">
  <div class="media media--transparent ratio" style="--ratio-percent: 153.6111111111111%"> 
   <a href="#link_here">
      <img .....>

- In the case you don't want use the hard code, so you make a option url settings for set link for image in schema of section

  "type": "url",
  "id": "button_link",
  "label": "Button link"


- You can please Like and Accepted Solution if my suggestion helpful.
- And you want to hire developer Theme or App Shopify => Feel free to send me a DM or contact to us via Email | WhatApp

1 0 1

Would also love to know how to do this. Did you manage to find a solution?