Re: eTools Theme Menu

How can I modify eTools theme to accommodate multiple collection columns?

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I'm looking to get some help with our new theme that we have purchased.

Some of our categories are too long and the "Shop by categories" part of our navigation bar has categories such as "hand tools" or "power tools" that have a lot of sub collections within it. Is it possible to edit the theme so it has multiple columns to account for lots of collections?

Or is it possibly better to go with a third party app for mega menus such as Globo or Budda?




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@HandToolCentre Edit the theme to have multiple columns in the navigation bar to accommodate multiple collections. However, it depends on the theme you are using and how comfortable you are with editing code. If you are not comfortable with editing code, it may be best to go with a third-party app for mega menus, such as Globo or Buddha. These apps are designed to help you create visually appealing and functional menus, and they often offer a variety of customization options.

If you do decide to edit the theme code, you can start by locating the file responsible for the navigation bar in your theme's code. This file will typically be named something like header.liquid or navigation.liquid. Once you have located the file, you can add the necessary code to create multiple columns.

Keep in mind that editing the theme code can be risky, as even small mistakes can cause your website to break. It is always a good idea to make a backup of your theme before making any changes, and to test any changes thoroughly before publishing them to your live site.

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