Shopify themes, liquid, logos, and UX
I want to remove the sold out badge from the brooklyn theme and add it as a text block alongside the price after a dash " 160€ - Sold out"
is it possible?
Thanks in advance!!
yes please sent this file code
<!-- /snippets/product-grid-item.liquid -->
so i will update
<!-- /snippets/product-grid-item.liquid -->
{% comment %}
This snippet is used to showcase each product during the loop,
'for product in collection.products' in collection.liquid.
A liquid variable (grid_item_width) is set just before the this
snippet is included to change the size of the container.
Once the variable is set on a page, all future instances of this
snippet will use that width. Overwrite the variable to adjust this.
- assign grid_item_width = 'large--one-quarter medium--one-half'
{% endcomment %}
{% unless grid_item_width %}
{% assign grid_item_width = 'large--one-third medium--one-half' %}
{% endunless %}
{% unless width %}
{%- assign width = 310 -%}
{% endunless %}
{% unless height %}
{%- assign height = 415 -%}
{% endunless %}
{% assign on_sale = false %}
{% if product.compare_at_price > product.price %}
{% assign on_sale = true %}
{% endif %}
{% assign sold_out = true %}
{% if product.available %}
{% assign sold_out = false %}
{% endif %}
{%- assign variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%}
{% capture img_id_class %}ProductImage-{{ }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture img_wrapper_id %}ProductImageWrapper-{{ }}{% endcapture %}
{%- assign featured_image = product.featured_media.preview_image %}
{%- assign img_url = featured_image | img_url: '1x1' | replace: '_1x1.', '_{width}x.' -%}
<div class="grid__item grid-product {{ grid_item_width }}{% if sold_out %} is-sold-out{% endif %}">
<div class="grid-product__wrapper">
<div class="grid-product__image-wrapper">
<a class="grid-product__image-link{% unless featured_image.src== blank %} grid-product__image-link--loading{% endunless %}" href="{{ product.url | within: collection }}" data-image-link>
{% if featured_image.src== blank %}
<img class="grid-product__image" src="{{ featured_image.src | img_url: '1024x' }}" alt="{{ featured_image.alt | escape }}">
{% else %}
{% include 'image-style' with image: featured_image, small_style: true, width: width, height: height, wrapper_id: img_wrapper_id, img_id_class: img_id_class %}
<div id="{{ img_wrapper_id }}" class="product--wrapper">
<div style="padding-top:{{ 1 | divided_by: featured_image.aspect_ratio | times: 100 }}%;">
<img class="product--image lazyload {{ img_id_class }}"
data-src="{{ img_url }}"
data-widths="[180, 370, 590, 740, 900, 1080, 1296, 1512, 1728, 2048]"
data-aspectratio="{{ featured_image.aspect_ratio }}"
alt="{{ featured_image.alt | escape }}"
<img class="grid-product__image" src="{{ featured_image.src | img_url: '1024x' }}" alt="{{ featured_image.alt | escape }}">
{% endif %}
{% if sold_out %}
<div class="grid-product__sold-out">
<p>{{ 'products.product.sold_out_html' | t }}</p>
{% elsif on_sale %}
<div class="grid-product__on-sale">
{% capture saved_amount %}{{ product.compare_at_price | minus: product.price | money_without_trailing_zeros }}{% endcapture %}
<p>{{ 'products.general.save_html' | t: saved_amount: saved_amount }}</p>
{% endif %}
<a href="{{ product.url | within: collection }}" class="grid-product__meta">
<span class="grid-product__title">{{ product.title }}</span>
<span class="grid-product__price-wrap">
<span class="long-dash">—</span>
<span class="grid-product__price">
{% if on_sale %}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.general.sale_price' | t }}</span>
{% else %}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.general.regular_price' | t }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% if product.price_varies %}
{{ product.price_min | money_without_trailing_zeros }}
<span class="icon-fallback-text">
<span class="icon icon-plus grid-product__price-min" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<span class="fallback-text">+</span>
{% else %}
{{ product.price | money_without_trailing_zeros }}
{% endif %}
{%- if product.price_varies == false and variant.unit_price_measurement -%}
{%- capture unit_price_separator -%}
<span aria-hidden="true">/</span><span class="visually-hidden"> {{ 'general.accessibility.unit_price_separator' | t }} </span>
{%- endcapture -%}
{%- capture unit_price_base_unit -%}
{%- if variant.unit_price_measurement.reference_value != 1 -%}
{{- variant.unit_price_measurement.reference_value -}}
{%- endif -%}
{{ variant.unit_price_measurement.reference_unit }}
{%- endcapture -%}
<span class="product-unit-price">
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.general.unit_price' | t }}</span>
<span>{{ variant.unit_price | money }}</span>{{- unit_price_separator -}}{{- unit_price_base_unit -}}
{%- endif -%}
{% if section.settings.product_vendor_enable %}
<p class="grid-product__vendor">{{ product.vendor }}</p>
{% endif %}
yes please try this code
<!-- /snippets/product-grid-item.liquid -->
{% comment %}
This snippet is used to showcase each product during the loop,
'for product in collection.products' in collection.liquid.
A liquid variable (grid_item_width) is set just before the this
snippet is included to change the size of the container.
Once the variable is set on a page, all future instances of this
snippet will use that width. Overwrite the variable to adjust this.
- assign grid_item_width = 'large--one-quarter medium--one-half'
{% endcomment %}
{% unless grid_item_width %}
{% assign grid_item_width = 'large--one-third medium--one-half' %}
{% endunless %}
{% unless width %}
{%- assign width = 310 -%}
{% endunless %}
{% unless height %}
{%- assign height = 415 -%}
{% endunless %}
{% assign on_sale = false %}
{% if product.compare_at_price > product.price %}
{% assign on_sale = true %}
{% endif %}
{% assign sold_out = true %}
{% if product.available %}
{% assign sold_out = false %}
{% endif %}
{%- assign variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%}
{% capture img_id_class %}ProductImage-{{ }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture img_wrapper_id %}ProductImageWrapper-{{ }}{% endcapture %}
{%- assign featured_image = product.featured_media.preview_image %}
{%- assign img_url = featured_image | img_url: '1x1' | replace: '_1x1.', '_{width}x.' -%}
<div class="grid__item grid-product {{ grid_item_width }}{% if sold_out %} is-sold-out{% endif %}">
<div class="grid-product__wrapper">
<div class="grid-product__image-wrapper">
<a class="grid-product__image-link{% unless featured_image.src== blank %} grid-product__image-link--loading{% endunless %}" href="{{ product.url | within: collection }}" data-image-link>
{% if featured_image.src== blank %}
<img class="grid-product__image" src="{{ featured_image.src | img_url: '1024x' }}" alt="{{ featured_image.alt | escape }}">
{% else %}
{% include 'image-style' with image: featured_image, small_style: true, width: width, height: height, wrapper_id: img_wrapper_id, img_id_class: img_id_class %}
<div id="{{ img_wrapper_id }}" class="product--wrapper">
<div style="padding-top:{{ 1 | divided_by: featured_image.aspect_ratio | times: 100 }}%;">
<img class="product--image lazyload {{ img_id_class }}"
data-src="{{ img_url }}"
data-widths="[180, 370, 590, 740, 900, 1080, 1296, 1512, 1728, 2048]"
data-aspectratio="{{ featured_image.aspect_ratio }}"
alt="{{ featured_image.alt | escape }}"
<img class="grid-product__image" src="{{ featured_image.src | img_url: '1024x' }}" alt="{{ featured_image.alt | escape }}">
{% endif %}
<a href="{{ product.url | within: collection }}" class="grid-product__meta">
<span class="grid-product__title">{{ product.title }}</span>
<span class="grid-product__price-wrap">
<span class="long-dash">—</span>
<span class="grid-product__price">
{% if on_sale %}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.general.sale_price' | t }}</span>
{% else %}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.general.regular_price' | t }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% if product.price_varies %}
{{ product.price_min | money_without_trailing_zeros }}
<span class="icon-fallback-text">
<span class="icon icon-plus grid-product__price-min" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<span class="fallback-text">+</span>
{% else %}
{{ product.price | money_without_trailing_zeros }}
{% endif %}
{%- if product.price_varies == false and variant.unit_price_measurement -%}
{%- capture unit_price_separator -%}
<span aria-hidden="true">/</span><span class="visually-hidden"> {{ 'general.accessibility.unit_price_separator' | t }} </span>
{%- endcapture -%}
{%- capture unit_price_base_unit -%}
{%- if variant.unit_price_measurement.reference_value != 1 -%}
{{- variant.unit_price_measurement.reference_value -}}
{%- endif -%}
{{ variant.unit_price_measurement.reference_unit }}
{%- endcapture -%}
<span class="product-unit-price">
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.general.unit_price' | t }}</span>
<span>{{ variant.unit_price | money }}</span>{{- unit_price_separator -}}{{- unit_price_base_unit -}}
{%- endif -%}
{% if sold_out %}
<div class="grid-product__sold-out">
<p>{{ 'products.product.sold_out_html' | t }}</p>
{% elsif on_sale %}
<div class="grid-product__on-sale">
{% capture saved_amount %}{{ product.compare_at_price | minus: product.price | money_without_trailing_zeros }}{% endcapture %}
<p>{{ 'products.general.save_html' | t: saved_amount: saved_amount }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% if section.settings.product_vendor_enable %}
<p class="grid-product__vendor">{{ product.vendor }}</p>
{% endif %}
Hi @KetanKumar !
With the code you provided it looks like this .
I just want a text block right by the price tag without the circle. I've set an example by editing a picture.
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