How can I move an email sign up form up the page on desktop view only?

How can I move an email sign up form up the page on desktop view only?

80 3 6

HI there,


I need help moving the email sign up form up the page *just for desktop*. 


This is what the page looks like currently: 

Screenshot 2024-03-17 at 13.42.40.png

This is what id like it to look like:



Many thanks, 



Replies 6 (6)

Shopify Partner
974 125 249

Hi @Jferguson1 
If you share your store URL and password with me, I will check and provide you with the solution.

Shopify Developer: Helping eCommerce Stores

If you need assistance with your store, feel free to contact us at
WhatsApp No: +91 8516919310 If my assistance was helpful, please consider liking and accepting the solution. Thank you!
80 3 6

apologies for not adding a url. 

password - help


many thanks

Shopify Partner
974 125 249

Hi @Jferguson1 

- Go to Online Store -> Theme -> Edit code.
- Find the file assets/base.css and paste the code below at the bottom of the file."


div#shopify-section-template--21073429922132__image_with_text_LDm6UV {
margin-top: 0;
main#MainContent {
position: relative;
section#shopify-section-template--21073429922132__newsletter_UYq3RX {
position: absolute;
top: 43%;
left: 37%;




Shopify Developer: Helping eCommerce Stores

If you need assistance with your store, feel free to contact us at
WhatsApp No: +91 8516919310 If my assistance was helpful, please consider liking and accepting the solution. Thank you!
80 3 6

Hi - the code has seemed to interact with the mobile display - 


Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 16.06.42.png

how do i make it not effect the mobile - many thanks

Shopify Partner
974 125 249

Hi @Jferguson1 

Remove old css and add this one.


@media only screen and (min-width: 749px) {
div#shopify-section-template--21073429922132__image_with_text_LDm6UV {
margin-top: 0;
main#MainContent {
position: relative;
section#shopify-section-template--21073429922132__newsletter_UYq3RX {
position: absolute;
top: 43%;
left: 37%;
Shopify Developer: Helping eCommerce Stores

If you need assistance with your store, feel free to contact us at
WhatsApp No: +91 8516919310 If my assistance was helpful, please consider liking and accepting the solution. Thank you!

Shopify Partner
3477 464 551

Hi @Jferguson1 ,

* You can try out the Subscribe email view pages module of our BSS: B2B Lock & Hide Price app.
- Our application will allow you to flexibly edit the content on the page, as well as display it on any page you want... and many more features.

view - 2024-03-25T095011.849.png

I will try to help you fix it manually


view - 2024-03-25T095046.308.png

Step 1: Go to admin -> Themes -> Edit code
Step 2: Find the theme.liquid file

Step 3: Add the code below before the closing tag of the body tag near the end of the theme.liquid file (see image)

view - 2024-03-25T095159.775.png

  {% if true %}
        .newsletter-form__field-wrapper input[name='contact[email]'] {
            border: 1px solid black;
            color: black !important;
        .newsletter-form__field-wrapper input[name='contact[email]']:focus {
            outlineL none !important;
        .newsletter-form__field-wrapper label.field__label {
            color: black;
        .newsletter-form__field-wrapper button#Subscribe {
            color: black;
      setTimeout(function() {
          const bannerMedia = document.querySelector('');
          const formClone = document.querySelector('#contact_form').cloneNode(true);
          bannerMedia.parentNode.insertBefore(formClone, bannerMedia.nextSibling);
 = 'fixed';
 = '42%';
 = '50%';
 = 'translate(-50%, -50%)';
 = '9999';
      }, 1000); 
    {%- endif -%}

Hope it helps @Jferguson1  

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