Re: How to place quantity next to size?

How can I position quantity next to size on my webpage?

23 0 3

Hi! As you can see in the picture, size (grootte) is now on top of quantity and i would like them to be next to each other to save space. Is there any way this is possible?


Thanks in advance!

Scherm­afbeelding 2023-12-28 om 12.42.38.png

Replies 2 (2)

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Hi @Louver ,

- There are many ways you can use CSS, or JS to move button quantity next to button-size
- I will guide you on how to use CSS:
+ First, go to edit Code in the theme in admin. Next, find the liquid file that displays the product page
+ Next, find the code with button quantity and button size wrapped in 2 tags equal to 1 div tag
+ Then change the CSS of the button quantity and button size tags to display: inline
=> If you don't know, please give me access to your admin and I can adjust it for you

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23 0 3

I understand what to do but I can't find the right piece of code, can you help me out?