Re: Delete filters


How can I remove all filters from my products section?

18 1 3



My URL is


The products section is on "BOOK NOW" which is the first tab on the homepage menu.

I would like to remove all the filters (FILTER AVAILABILITY PRICE SORT BY 4 PRODUCTS)

from my products section. 


I would highly appreciate it if somebody could assist me in doing this.


Thanks & Kind Regards

Accepted Solution (1)

Shopify Partner
14 4 5

This is an accepted solution.

Go to Online Store -> Actions -> Edit Code, and go to the file called "main-collection-product-grid.liquid" in the Sections folder. Search for the text "main-collection-filters" (CMD+f on Mac, CTRL+f on Windows). You should find the text on line 29 (see screenshot below).Lines 29 - 31  is where the filters are being addedLines 29 - 31 is where the filters are being added


Before the opening <div> tag, add <!--, and after the closing div tag, add --> and click Save. This will remove the filters from the page


Before the opening <div> tag, add <!--, and after the closing div tag, add --> and click Save. This will remove the filters from the pageBefore the opening <div> tag, add <!--, and after the closing div tag, add --> and click Save. This will remove the filters from the page

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Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
14 4 5

This is an accepted solution.

Go to Online Store -> Actions -> Edit Code, and go to the file called "main-collection-product-grid.liquid" in the Sections folder. Search for the text "main-collection-filters" (CMD+f on Mac, CTRL+f on Windows). You should find the text on line 29 (see screenshot below).Lines 29 - 31  is where the filters are being addedLines 29 - 31 is where the filters are being added


Before the opening <div> tag, add <!--, and after the closing div tag, add --> and click Save. This will remove the filters from the page


Before the opening <div> tag, add <!--, and after the closing div tag, add --> and click Save. This will remove the filters from the pageBefore the opening <div> tag, add <!--, and after the closing div tag, add --> and click Save. This will remove the filters from the page

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Send me a private message if you want to hire me for theme customization/development, troubleshooting, etc.
18 1 3

This worked! Thank you very much!